People Are Posting Hilarious Photos Of Their Irish Wolfhounds, And It’s Crazy How Large They Are (50 Pics)

The Irish Wolfhounds got their name not for their appearance. They got it for their purpose—wolf hunting with dogs. Some people think that all we have of the earliest times of this old breed are more myth and legend than fact. It is mentioned, as cú (variously translated as hound, Irish hound, war dog, wolf dog, etc.) in Irish laws, which predate Christianity, and in Irish literature going back as far as the 5th century or, in the case of the Sagas, from the old Irish period—AD600-900. Whatever the truth, it doesn’t take away the fact that these creatures are incredibly delightful and beautiful. And big. According to the official the World Canine Federation standards, their desired height is 32 inches (81cm) to 34 inches (86cm). And although the Irish Wolfhound can be a frightening sight for those who aren’t familiar with them, their all-around friendliness can’t be any higher. To give these pups the attention they deserve, Bored Panda has compiled a list of their funniest photos, so scroll down to check them out and upvote your favorite entries.

#1 Our Anti-Burglar System

Our Anti-Burglar System

#2 Owner And Her Dog Dressed Like Wayne’s World Characters For Halloween

Owner And Her Dog Dressed Like Wayne’s World Characters For Halloween

My Dog's Facial Expressions When I Didn't Turn Towards The Dog Park

#4 17 Days After My Mom Passed From Ovarian Cancer, Her Old Irish Wolfhound Followed In Tow To Be With Her. I Miss Them Both So Much. Dogs Know

17 Days After My Mom Passed From Ovarian Cancer, Her Old Irish Wolfhound Followed In Tow To Be With Her. I Miss Them Both So Much. Dogs Know

#5 I Guess I’ll Sleep Over Here…

I Guess I'll Sleep Over Here...

#6 These Two

These Two

#7 Janine Fell Apart. We Put The Pieces In This Chair

Janine Fell Apart. We Put The Pieces In This Chair

#8 My Grandma And Her Irish Wolfhound From 1974

My Grandma And Her Irish Wolfhound From 1974

#9 Dachshunds For Balance

Dachshunds For Balance

#10 Our New Whippet Puppy Sitting With His Friend, An Irish Wolfhound Puppy

Our New Whippet Puppy Sitting With His Friend, An Irish Wolfhound Puppy

#11 That’s A Gorgeous Trio Right Here

That's A Gorgeous Trio Right Here

#12 Hunter Of Wolves. Needs Teddy To Feel Safe

Hunter Of Wolves. Needs Teddy To Feel Safe

#13 The Tallest Boi

The Tallest Boi

#14 What A Big Mouth You Have

What A Big Mouth You Have

#15 Is It Comfy?

Is It Comfy?

#16 He Didn’t Know What To Do

He Didn't Know What To Do

#17 Irish Wolfhounds Love Peanut Butter

Irish Wolfhounds Love Peanut Butter

#18 As Big As A Donkey

As Big As A Donkey

#19 He Has Eaten Breakfast, Romped Around In The Rain And Played With His Toys. Now It’s Time To Rest Up Until Afternoon Playtime

He Has Eaten Breakfast, Romped Around In The Rain And Played With His Toys. Now It’s Time To Rest Up Until Afternoon Playtime

#20 Still A Lap Dog

Still A Lap Dog

#21 The Irish Wolfhoud, A Perfect Bed Buddy

The Irish Wolfhoud, A Perfect Bed Buddy

#22 He Heard Some Thunder

He Heard Some Thunder

#23 Our 3lb Kitten’s Favorite Place To Nap Is In Between Her Two 180lb Irish Wolfhound Brothers

Our 3lb Kitten's Favorite Place To Nap Is In Between Her Two 180lb Irish Wolfhound Brothers

#24 Jazza And Gandalf

Jazza And Gandalf

#25 Smallest Horse In Britain With Fergus The Irish Wolfhound

Smallest Horse In Britain With Fergus The Irish Wolfhound

That Tail

#27 An Irish Wolfhound In A Mazda Miata

An Irish Wolfhound In A Mazda Miata

#28 When A Chair At The Vet Is Too Small For You

When A Chair At The Vet Is Too Small For You

#29 This Big Boy

This Big Boy

#30 Turned Around To This. Janine Thinks She Is A People

Turned Around To This. Janine Thinks She Is A People

#31 Sleeping Beauty

Sleeping Beauty

#32 I Think If We Stare Really Hard And Don’t Move They Will Let Us Back In

I Think If We Stare Really Hard And Don't Move They Will Let Us Back In

#33 This Is My Dad, Who Is 6′ 1”, Standing With My 2-Year-Old Irish Wolfhound, Conagon

This Is My Dad, Who Is 6' 1'', Standing With My 2-Year-Old Irish Wolfhound, Conagon

#34 My Irish Wolfhound Meeting His New Roommate!

My Irish Wolfhound Meeting His New Roommate!

#35 Irish Wolfhound And Corgis

Irish Wolfhound And Corgis

#36 When You Realize That You Can Touch Your Feet

When You Realize That You Can Touch Your Feet

#37 Who Is Walking Who?

Who Is Walking Who?

#38 Irish Wolfhound, 4,6,8 And 10 Months Old. Meet Hobbes

Irish Wolfhound, 4,6,8 And 10 Months Old. Meet Hobbes

39 Why To Even Bother With Bowls When There Are Two Sinks In The House

Why To Even Bother With Bowls When There Are Two Sinks In The House

#40 My Friend’s 4’11” Mother And His 120lb Irish Wolfhound

My Friend's 4'11" Mother And His 120lb Irish Wolfhound

#41 Driller, Coco And Chanel Are Best Friends Always…

Driller, Coco And Chanel Are Best Friends Always...

#42 Hugeboye Is A Heckin Big Woofer

Hugeboye Is A Heckin Big Woofer

#43 Brody The Irish Wolfhound (Baby For Scale)

Brody The Irish Wolfhound (Baby For Scale)

#44 I Have A Clown Car- I Really Need Something Bigger!

I Have A Clown Car- I Really Need Something Bigger!

#45 My Parent’s Golden Retriever Next To My Uncle’s Huge Irish Wolfhound

My Parent's Golden Retriever Next To My Uncle's Huge Irish Wolfhound

#46 Three Wolfies Worked Together To Kick Me Out Of My Seat

Three Wolfies Worked Together To Kick Me Out Of My Seat

#47 Apparently, When You Turn 9 Months Old, You Have To Get Weighed. Checkinh In At 113 Lbs And 34 Inches Tall Today – Happy 9 Months To Me!

Apparently, When You Turn 9 Months Old, You Have To Get Weighed. Checkinh In At 113 Lbs And 34 Inches Tall Today - Happy 9 Months To Me!

#48 Here’s My 6 Week Shiba Inu Puppy With My Mom’s Irish Wolfhound

Here's My 6 Week Shiba Inu Puppy With My Mom's Irish Wolfhound

#49 My Cousin Met An Irish Wolfhound

My Cousin Met An Irish Wolfhound

#50 Two Dogs And A Horsey

Two Dogs And A Horsey



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