Nature has an incredible way of making us feel like we’re living in a fairy tale. Whether it’s cloaking the landscape in a blanket of fog or wowing us with a rainbow of colors, one thing is clear: the Earth is a magical place. And what better way to make believe that you’re living in a story book than with picturesque nature tunnels? These unique passageways feature a bevy of flowers and tall trees that curve inward and surround your path with beautiful blooms, glistening green leaves, and knotty branches that seemingly have a mind of their own.
These spectacular nature tunnels exist all around the world. In the Kawachi Fuji Garden in Japan, you’ll find the astonishing beauty of a wisteria tree as it lines a path in brilliant blues, magenta, and yellows. Travel across the globe, however, and you’ll see a much different type of passageway in Charleston, South Carolina. This one is made of live oak branches that bend over and onto the ground to create a grand arch. Relatively spare in their vegetation, the network of limbs conjures an eerie feeling—like we’ve reached the suspenseful part of a fascinating novel.
Take a trip around the world to check out breathtaking nature tunnels. Where will you go first?
Kawachi Fuji Gardren, Japan
Photo credit: Roksana Bashyrova
Tunnel of Love, Ukraine
Canary Islands, Spain
Kawachi Fujien, Japan
Kyoto, Japan
Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Cypress Tree Tunnel, California, USA
Beverly Hills, California, USA
Illumination Alley, Louisiana
Tilberg, Netherlands
California, USA
Brugge, Belgium
Tokyo, Japan
The Dark Hedges, Ireland