Jared Axen of Valencia Hospital in California is definitely a one-of-a-kind nurse. What started as casual singing in the halls of the hospital has turned into a precious way for Axen to spend time soothing his patients. When Axen realized how many patients were coming out of their rooms to listen to him singing in the hallway, he thought his voice would be an incredible way to uniquely connect with patients. This touching video follows Axen as he sings to an elderly woman named Norma Laskoske. Her reaction to his beautiful voice is truly heartwarming.
In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Axen told reporters about the experience of singing to patients: “It’s an incredible way to be able to bond with somebody.” It’s clear from this video that the bonding taking place is affecting Laskoske in a big way. Axen has worked at Valencia’s Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital for over five years and his musical talents have been a huge blessing on both the patients and the staff there. He’s earned himself the name “The Singing Nurse,” and frequently takes requests from patients for songs they wish to hear.
Here at SF Globe, we love sharing content that puts a smile on our faces. We hope you enjoy watching this sweet nurse and his interactions with patients. We sure did! Don’t forget to tell us what you think in the comments below after watching!