Grandma Died, But When Her Family Read The Obituary, They Were FLOORED!

When a loved one passes away, it can take a long time before feeling joy again. This story is about a beloved mother, wife and grandmother who died, leaving behind a secret gift for her family that would keep them smiling forever.

Emily Phillips was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and passed away about a month later at the age of 69. After her passing, her family was surprised to find she had penned her own obituary. It’s an obituary that’s now gone viral after gaining national attention.

Bonnie Upright says her mother had a binder called “Emily’s Death Notebook.” In this binder, she had left instructions for when she passed away — and it’s the way Emily remembers her life with such humor and sass that left her family touched more than anything. Bonnie is thrilled to be able to have a platform on which she can share her incredible mom with the entire world.

“I do find it surprising that she was able to work in the words ‘hiney’ and ‘naked’ in the obituary, that might have been a surprise. The fact that she did it, and she did it in context, is beautiful,” Bonnie said. The Notebook contains quips and stories from the former beauty queen, who reflects upon her childhood and family in an endearing, charming, and heart-melting way.

A mother is caretaker of the home, the purveyor of unconditional love — and no one is left with this truth more than Emily’s family in the wake of her passing. Read the full obituary here.