Baby Omysha, the youngest resident in the Zurich Zoo’s Krachan Elephant Park, is still learning the tricky business of putting one leg in front of the other. But luckily for the little pachyderm, when she does take an inevitable tumble, she’s got a herd of help standing by.
A video from one zoo-goer shows Omysha taking a stroll that led to taking a tumble. While the misstep left her upside-down, she didn’t stay that way for long.
With a low grumble of concern, two grown-up elephants rushed to Omysha’s side and used teamwork — and their trunks — to turn the little one right-side up again.
But the exercise in elephant cooperation didn’t end there. After the adult duo handled that, they were joined by another of the park’s six elephants, and together they nudged the baby in the right direction. The group then encircled Omysha in a fall-proof huddle.
The zoo scene is adorable, but don’t take our word for it. Watch the sweet save for yourself!