
Man Spots ‘Dead’ Sea Turtle Trapped On Land And Brings Her Back To Life

The other day, Miguel Ángel Escobar and his family were traveling by boat off the coast of Honduras when something caught their eyes — and immediately broke their hearts. There, along a remote stretch of coast, they spotted a massive sea turtle entangled in some tree roots near the water’s edge. “I thought she was dead,” Escobar told The Dodo. “We felt such pity for her.” The tur

Photographer Captures Amazing Shot of Snake Hidden in the Sand

A photographer traveled to Namibia to capture well-camouflaged snakes that exclusively live in the sub-Saharan African country. Peringuey’s adder Marisa Ishimatsu captured magnificent photos of a Peringuey’s adder who are perfectly adapted to hide themselves in the soft sands of the Namibian desert. “They sidewind effortlessly across the dune slopes and they bury themselves in soft

Diver Comes Face To Face With A Seven Meter Long Anaconda

It’s probably time to leave the water when a huge snake licks the camera lens. Yet not for experienced shark diver and cameraman Bartolomeo Bove. Bove flew halfway across the globe to swim with the green anaconda, the biggest snake still alive. In South America, marshes, swamps, and murky streams are where these enormous carnivores normally reside. However, the Formoso River in Brazil has the

Photographer Captured The Beauty Of A Unique Orange And Black Fox

Mother Nature never ceases to amaze us with her amazing creations and this extraordinary fox is definitely one such creation. After interacting for a few months, the wildlife photographer named Sam Gaby managed to earn the trust of a fox living in Newfoundland. This creature stood out from the rest of his kind and Sam was able to share a special connection with the fox. This connection enabled

A Male Bald Eagle That Was Trying To Hatch A Rock Has Been Given A Chick To Raise

A permanently injured bald eagle who can't fly is living out the rest of his days at a bird sanctuary in Missouri. Last month, one of his caretakers at World Bird Sanctuary (WBS) noticed something odd. Keeper Kerstin saw Murphy the eagle protecting a large depression in the ground. The spot was sparsely but carefully decorated with leaves and branches, and featured a simple rock right in the

Determined Cat Travels 40 Miles To Find Family He Lost During Move

For weeks, Halie Kutscher’s 9-year-old son cradled an orange cat Beanie Baby, praying that his real cat, Oliver, would come back. What the boy didn’t know was that Oliver was on his way — trekking almost 40 miles so they could be reunited. HALIE KUTSCHER The Kutscher family was recently getting ready to move from their home in Bridgeport, West Virginia, to Morgantown when they re

Hey, What’s All That Stuff In The Water. Let’s Look Closer…A Little Closer… WHAT?!

Imagine this – you’re flying high above the vast and beautiful landscape of Kenya, Africa, just taking everything in when, suddenly, something rather strange catches your eye. You look far down below to see a large body of water filled with thousands upon thousands of little pink spots, mainly concentrated upon the shore line. You stare, out of wonder and complete bewilderment, as you t

Top 10 Interesting Dumbo Octopus Facts

Its resemblance to the main character in a 1941 Disney movie has given this fascinating genus of ocean animals its name. The life of these fascinating creatures, however, is far less enjoyable than that of the fictional character they were named for. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most interesting facts about the Dumbo Octopus, one of the many marine animals that float around i

Guy Spots Moose By Dumpster — Then Sees What’s In His Mouth

The other day, James West was driving near his home in Alaska when something caught his eye. Lingering behind some dumpsters off the road, West spotted a young moose. “It was odd to see a moose there,” West told The Dodo. Looking closer, it became odder still. JAMES WEST At second glance, West noticed that something was in the moose’s mouth. Unsure of what it was, West decided to

Abandoned ‘Grandma’ Turtle Smiles At Everyone, Hoping They’ll Take Her Home

On a cold weekend this past December, an elderly turtle named Grandma waited in a dumpster, hoping someone might find her. The special needs reptile, who’s missing both her right legs, knew she probably couldn’t escape on her own. Nevertheless, the resilient senior navigated the garbage, looking for a way out. Soon enough, a Good Samaritan looked in the dumpster and noticed the trash was