
Australian scientists discover larvae of giant sunfish for first time

These... grow into this! Scientists discover tiny larvae of giant sunfish for the first time after years of mystery Scientists have for the first time discovered the tiny baby larvae that grows into one of the world's largest but most mysterious fishes. The bump-head sunfish - which can grow to 2,000kg in weight and 3metres in length - are highly fertile and produce about 300million egg cell

Man Accidentally Photographs The Real-Life ‘Angry Bird’

When Scott Taylor’s dad called to let him know that his bird feeders had recently been filled with all different kinds of beautiful birds, Taylor grabbed his camera and was there in a heartbeat. He adores photographing birds and was excited to hopefully get some memorable shots. “I went to their kitchen window that looked into their backyard where the bird feeders are located,” Taylor to

25 Amazing Images From The 2022 Wildlife Photographer Of The Year Contest That Are Running For People’s Choice Award

London's Natural History Museum has announced the winning images of its Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards 2022. The pictures were chosen from 38,575 entries across nearly 100 countries! The winner of the competition is an American photographer, Karine Aigner, for her close-up shot "The Big Buzz". The award of young wildlife photographer of the year went to Katanyou Wuttichaitanakorn for

Snorkeler Finds Holiday Goer’s Wedding Ring Worn by a Fish on Its Neck

A snorkeler in Australia hardly believed her eyes when she spotted a sand mullet fish with a wedding band wrapped around its neck. Wait, is that a fish wearing a wedding ring? Image credit: Susan Prior Norfolk Island local Susan Prior was swimming off the east coast of Australia when she beheld the strange site. Believing the ring might be of value, Prior put it up on the local C

The Moment A Blue Whale Blowing A Rainbow Heart

Water mist/Vapor + sunlight = a rainbow! The heart looks, like a rainbow. ❤🌈 The perfect shot at the perfect time!!! 👏❤ Simply beautiful … If you detail well the rainbow colors have a heart shadow 💚 That’s fantastic !!!!!!!🐳🌈 This incredible photograph appears to capture the moment a blue whale blew a rainbow coloured HEART a

Albino elephant calf rescued after being trapped in snare for four days

In 2020, an albino elephant calf has been saved from a barbaric snare that kept her trapped for four days, according to reports. The calf sustained horrific injuries as a result of the trap, including a Joker-like scar on her face and severe lacerations to the back of her ears and neck. GlobalGiving The young elephant, a female named Khanyisa, was born with a unique pink hue to her skin, as

The Largest Snail in the World Can Grow as Long as a Human Arm

This giant snail is six times the size of a garden snail: it can even grow as long as a human arm from hand to elbow! Not your ordinary garden snail. Image credit: premedito The Giant African Land Snail is the largest among all land snails in the world (the common name actually refers to three giant species in the family Achatinidae: Achatina achatina, Archachatina margina

The Seafloor Has a Carpet – A Shark You Shouldn’t Step On

Ever wondered what the most special-looking shark species could be? Well, the tasseled wobbegong shark is definitely a good candidate. Sometimes referred to as carpet sharks, these animals have an extraordinary, flattened appearance, due to their characteristic, branched lobes that extend from their heads. Although these sharks were first described in 1867, they remain mysterious as we still reall

The Nature Photographer Of The Year 2022 Just Announced Their Winning Pictures (21 Pics)

Capturing nature's beauty is a task that will live on forever. Numerous breathtaking landscapes, animals, plants, and unique moments are what photographers seek when looking for the perfect shot. In this year's Nature Photographer of the Year (NPOTY) contest, judges had to choose from 20,952 images coming from over 96 different countries, making that a new record for this competition. Photo

The Great Barrier Reef is the only place in the world where pink stingrays have been found

Nearly 11ft lοпg, the ρiпk maпta ray lives iп the Lady Elliοt Islaпd’s waters, iп the Great Barrier Reef. Siпce he was discοvered, the mariпe creatυre was carefυlly sυρervized by the Prοject Maпta research grουρ. The scieпtists пamed him Iпsρectοr Clουseaυ after the famουs character frοm The Piпk Paпther. It isп’t clear “what caυses” Iпsρectοr