
Deer Enjoy Cherry Blossoms In An Empty Park In Nara, Japan

If you’re looking for something wholesome and positive in this time of uncertainty, then this spectacle might be just the thing for you. While we can’t travel physically, we might as well travel through the beautiful pictures and videos other people share. A Japanese photographer shared stunning footage from Nara Park back in April and it’s now making rounds around the internet. People ar

The Winning Photos From The GDT Nature Photographer Of The Year 2020 Have Been Announced And They’re Beautiful

The German Society for Nature Photography have just announced the winners of the Nature Photographer of the Year 2020 contest, and the shots are absolutely beautiful. "Due to the coronavirus pandemic, voting was not carried out during the annual general meeting but was completed online for the first time ever in GDT's history with great participation by its members," the organization told Bored

Foxy Love: Photographer Proves That Foxes Are Extremely Loving Creatures (11 Pics)

Talented Dutch photographer Roeselien Raimond (whom we’ve written about and spoken with before here) takes stunning photos of wild foxes. For this year’s Valentine’s day she agreed to give Bored Panda an exclusive interview and talk about how attentive and loving foxes are, despite the popular belief that they are mean and deceitful creatures. “I know of no animal that shows as much lov

15 Photo Of Gorgeous Birds Called Strawberry Finches

With so many stunning bird species out there, they never cease to amaze with their wide range of colors, sizes, and other traits. Some of them have intricate and stunning plumage that can be compared to a fruit or a berry. This is especially true for a species of birds that are unsurprisingly called strawberry finches. These small, sparrow-sized birds of the family Estrildidae can be easily recogn

This Bird Looks Like It Came Straight Out Of Paradise

The more you think you’ve seen all the beauties this world holds, the furthest to the truth you find out you are. Maybe unicorns are not true, but this bird you will see in the following pictures looks just as magical and mystical as them, but with one difference – it is true, it exists. The bird has a pattern of colors that when it flies, looks like a rainbow in motion. The white-browed ti

Photographer Captures A Shot Of Two Widowed Penguins Overlooking The Melbourne Skyline Together

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people have had a chance to reevaluate their lives and the people around them. After all, it’s always somehow easier to appreciate things when they are suddenly taken away from you, even if it’s temporary, rather than appreciate them while you still have them. Therefore, it’s no surprise most of us seek human comfort now more than ever before an

Dog Finds The Fluffiest Dogs In Daycare So She Can Nap On Them

If you’re brave enough, everything and everyone is a pillow. And Edna is fearless. This doggo has been attending day care since she was just a little pup, and her routine has pretty much remained the same: Edna runs around, playing for the first couple of hours and exhausts herself so much, she needs to get some sleep to recharge her batteries. So, she starts looking around for a cozy spot to

These Dolphins Have Lost Their Minds With Excitement At The Sight Of A Sloth

It might seem that this period of self-isolation and quarantine due to the novel coronavirus brings mostly grim news. And while that might be true for some humans, nature and animals are most likely not complaining as they get to enjoy a little bit more freedom, especially those who are usually confined to their enclosures in the zoo. Shedd Aquarium in Chicago recently took their penguins on an

Fox Sleeping On A Tree Stump Makes The Day Of A Couple Stuck In Quarantine

My friend has this weird skill. He can doze off any time, any place. In a car, on a train, even at the dinner table while my dad is telling an army story. Turns out, this talent isn’t exclusive to people. Recently, Sara Ryan’s parents noticed a fox napping on a tree stump in front of their house. The couple have been social-distancing and don’t have pets, so a sight like this really made

Zookeepers Self-Isolate In A UK Wildlife Park For 3 Months To Take Care Of Animals

Many parts of the world are currently living in lockdown. While most have taken steps to isolate themselves in the comfort of their homes, others decided to do so by traveling out into the provinces to stay in their summer or garden houses. Yet others are making an unorthodox decision to self-isolate in their workplace. No, this isn’t an April Fool’s Day joke. And no, I’m not trying to sp