
Incredible Photos Show Men Reuniting With The Fox That They Raised When She Was Still A Cub (20 Pics)

Foxes are heavily intertwined with human settlements. While interaction with humans has its disadvantages, these two Scottish photographers’ story shows how they did their best to help a fox that had been orphaned by one of these dangers. Photographers Peter Lewis and Mark Strachan were getting some nature shots in a field near Petershead, on the northeast coast of Scotland, when they found t

Meet Wally, The Bunny With The Biggest Wing-Like Ears

Let’s leave babies aside for a while, and let us talk about the second cutest creatures on the planet- Angora rabbits! These fluffy and adorable little fellows look like a large cotton ball, and their very long wool is responsible for their popularity throughout history, especially among some European royal families. Their cashmere-soft wool is definitely what you need in these cold winter

Kittens Roam Freely In This Bookstore In Canada And Customers Can Even Adopt Them

If you ever wanted to adopt a cute little kitty-cat, your first thought would probably be to go to an animal shelter. However, have you thought of going to… a bookstore? Otis & Clementine’s Books and Coffee is a bookstore just outside of Halifax in Nova Scotia, Canada, that took an innovative approach to convince people to rescue kittens. When you come in to browse for a good read or have a

Woman Accidentally Orders TINY Dog Bed, Dog Pretends Everything Is Fine

You know how it is. Your mom buys you something, and it’s totally the wrong thing, but you don’t want to hurt her feelings and so you pretend to actually love it. That’s what happened recently, when the mom of a Twitter user named @paetonmathes bought a new bed for her dog Kenny. The bed turned out to be a little on the small side (OK, a LOT on the small side!), but Kenny did his best to

Meet The New Grumpy Cat That Looks Even Angrier Than Her Late Predecessor

No one will ever replace Grumpy Cat, but a new kitty has captured the Internet’s attention that deserves to be among the world’s angriest felines. Meet Meow Meow, a giant fluff from Taiwan. Her owner said Meow Meow is also very elegant. For example, she had kept her grace even when she stayed at the hospital for her hyperthyroidism treatment. Now that’s class. Of course, she still hated e

The Dracula Parrot Is Scary And Beautiful All At Once

The head of a vulture, the body of a parrot, and from beak to tail is the size of a small child. This isn’t a fantasy creature, this is the Dracula Parrot. Also called Pesquet’s parrot or the vulturine parrot, the Dracula parrot is found only in the cloud forests in the foothills and lower mountains of New Guinea. Some striking characteristics of this majestic bird include its brightly

Dramatic Horse Pretends To Be Dead Whenever People Try To Ride Him

To paraphrase Aristotle, we as human beings can achieve happiness by perfecting our natures. That means embracing and refining who we really are inside. And it sounds like great advice for every living thing, not just people. However, one silly horse is too busy horsing around and probably forgot to go to its Philosophy 101 classes. A dramatic horse named Jingang has greater ambitions than bein

Rare Video Captures 40-Ton Whale Gleefully Leaping Fully Out of the Water

Scuba diver Craig Capeheart filmed a magical event off the southeastern coast of South Africa when he witnessed a 40-ton humpback whale leaping fully out of the water. Looking surprisingly spry for such a large animal, the whale caused other boat passengers to shout with awe as it splashed down. The majestic animal is performing an act known as breaching. Researchers believe that breaching is

Cat Sneaks Into A Zoo And Becomes Friends With A Lynx

It doesn’t matter what kind of animal you are, friendships develop just the same. This couple of friends are the living proof: in St. Petersburg’s Zoo, a European lynx has become friends with a regular Russian cat.According to Love Meow, the feline was homeless and happen to find some food where the lynx lived. Not only was the lynx fine with sharing, they also became great friends. “It s

Tiger Cub Rejected By Mother Finds A Best Friend In A Puppy

Diversity is what makes our world interesting, and it is Nature’s greatest strength. Nature can often amaze us with its variety, and the numerous cases of interspecies friendships brighten up our outlook on the world. Such alliances add to an understanding of the way different species communicate, what motivates certain animals to connect across species lines, and the extent to which some ani