
This Whole Litter Of 5 Maine Coon Kittens Was Born With Cute But Grumpy Faces

Being the biggest domestic cat breed, Maine coons are one of the most popular cats. Because who doesn’t love big and fluffy cats, right? These majestic felines can grow as much as 40 inches in length and come in 75 different color combinations. With their long, multilayered fur and large paws, Maine coons are very well equipped for winter. In fact, one theory suggests that they originated from N

This 2-Year-Old German Shepherd With Dwarfism Will Always Look Like A Tiny Puppy

It is certain that most people just can’t get over cute fluffy animals. Cats, dog, bunnies or pandas – you name it! And the tinier, the better, isn’t that right? Well, in this case, mother nature decided to play a prank and made a normally pretty large dog, a German Shepherd, stay looking like a cute tiny puppy for as long as he lives. Sadly, it had to come with a price to pay. But don’t y

Woman Saves A Scorched And Screaming Koala With The Shirt Off Her Own Back

he Red List of Threatened Species had already classified the koala as vulnerable, but the species is being threatened even more by devastating bushfires that have already burned more than 2.5 million acres of Australia’s east coast. But one recent act of bravery has given the country hope in fighting the blaze. After spotting a koala crossing a road amongst the flames in New South Wales, a lo

This Squirrel Rescued From Hurricane Isaac Can’t Sleep Without Her Teddy Bear And People Can’t Handle The Cuteness

Meet Jill – a 7-year-old rescue squirrel. This cutie was rescued from Hurricane Isaac that came ashore in Louisiana back in August 2012. Jill the Squirrel has her own Instagram account named This Girl Is A Squirrel with more than 630k followers from all around the world. Her profile says that she’s a “vegetarian, parkour expert whose only fear is the vacuum. But, she loves every Starbucks na

Photographer Captured The Unlikely Friendship Between A Grey Wolf And A Brown Bear

It’s not every day that you see a grey wolf and a brown bear hanging out together in the wild. In fact, it sounds like something straight out of a fairytale. But Finnish photographer Lassi Rautiainen saw it firsthand. It wasn’t just a spur of the moment chance encounter, either. The lucky photographer was able to document the unlikely friendship over the course of ten days in 2013. He wa

Orphaned Elephant Stands Alone – 5 Million Have Watched The Moment An Entire Herd Adopts Him

Babies need care and compassion if they want to thrive. This is true of both humans and animals; we all need our families to comfort us and help us grow. Unfortunately, sometimes we are separated from our mothers. That is what happened to a baby elephant named Dok Geaw. He is one year and nine months old, and until recently he was completely alone. This little guy was rescued and brought back

Photographer Tiptoes Through The Tulips To Shoot Harvest Mice, And The Result Will Make Your Day

Having one of those days? With so much craziness going on out there at the moment, sometimes what we all need is a break, time to switch off from it all and just look at some pretty and happy things. Like these adorable harvest mice for example. These super cute photos were taken by Miles Herbert, a British photographer who runs Captivelight, holding workshops and photography tuition for people

Someone Imagines What Everything Would Look Like If It Had A Cat’s Face And The Result Is Funny Yet Disturbing

Cats… they’re everywhere. You see them following you on the streets. You see them staring back at you from your computer screen. Your significant other texts you their pictures while you’re in lectures or at work. You even see them when you look at other animals and random things. Wait a minute, that last one doesn’t sound quite right. Well, unless you’ve ever stumbled on the ‘Koty

Meet The Harpy Eagle, A Bird So Big, Some People Think It’s A Person In A Costume

Wow, now that’s a big bird! That’s the way most people react when they see a harpy eagle for the first time, whether in person or in a picture. The massive bird is, well, absolutely massive. Fierce. Proud. Majestic. Larger than life. With a steely glint in its eyes that practically says, “You’d better not mess with me, kiddo, I eat folks like you for breakfast.” The harpy eagle is so

This Baby Zebra Was Born With Spots Instead Of Stripes

Call the doctor, we’re in love. What’s more awesome than a horse? A zebra. And what’s cuter than a zebra? A baby zebra. Do you know what’s even cuter? A baby zebra with spots instead of stripes! A rare polka dot baby zebra was spotted (pun intended) in Kenya, and the internet is going wild. The animal has already captured many a heart (ours included), and photos of the adorable creature