
Tired Of #FollowMeTo Instagram Pics? This Guy Pets His Dog Everywhere He Goes, And It’s 1000 Times Better

Honza Řeháček is freelance photographer from Czechia with a passion for nature, travel and his wolfdog Sitka. He can often be found combining his 3 passions, taking Sitka on adventures to wild and beautiful locations and making sure he gets a few amazing photos along the way. Honza loves to shoot scenes full of drama and mood, taking advantage of fog and morning mist in the colder seasons to

Photographer Spends 2 Years Photographing Animals That May Soon Be Extinct, And It Breaks Our Hearts

For most of us, endangered animals are a far-away mystery. British photographer Tim Flach, however, has spent the last 2 years braving their habitats and documenting their fragile existences. The resulting body of work, Endangered, provides us with an intimate and rare view into the beautiful lives of Earth’s most threatened creatures, and reminds us of everything we should be afraid to lose.

Scientists Discover 512-Year-Old Shark, Which Would Be The Oldest Living Vertebrate On The Planet

A couple of months ago, a group of scientists discovered an ancient shark in the North Atlantic ocean. While they knew that this shark had definitely reached senior age, they didn’t realize until recently that the animal is estimated to be a whopping 512 years old. At 512 years, that would make this ancient shark the oldest living vertebrate in the world. Even though over half a millenni

Baby baboon falls into lion’s lap – lion’s reaction has the whole world stunned

We often come across stories from the animal kingdom that simply leave us in awe. The stories that always get to me the most are those in which animals display incredible compassion or kindness towards one another. Here’s one from northern Botswana, Africa, that is just like that. Wildlife photographers Evan Schiller and Lisa Holzwarth witnessed something mind-boggling while out on a ga

Vancouver Police Canine Unit Just Released Their 2019 Charity Calendar And It’s Badass

Very good police dogs and their handlers have been getting together for very badass photoshoots. And for a noble cause. “The calendar was started in 2009 by retired Vancouver Police Sergeant Mike Anfield in honour of his wife, VPD Constable Candy Anfield who lost her battle with breast cancer in 2004,” Social Media Liaison officer for the Vancouver Police Department, Anne-Marie Clark told B

15+ Unbearably Cute Sloth Pics To Celebrate The International Sloth Day

Sloths are the slowest mammals in the world. Fact. And after going through these pictures, you'll probably think that they're also the cutest mammals in the world. The 20th of October is International Sloth Day and it's a great opportunity to show some love and appreciation for these chill and cute animals that show us that sometimes being slow is not the worst thing. Happy International Slo

This 512-Year-Old GreenLand Shark Is The Oldest Living Vertebrate On The Planet

It’s hard to imagine anything still alive that was born in 1505. That was the year that Martin Luther became a monk and King Henry VIII called off his engagement with Catherine of Aragon… in short, a bloody long time ago. But that’s exactly what scientists believe they have found in the form of one massive Greenland shark swimming in the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean. The shark is e

Giant Spider Drags Mouse Up Fridge

Is there anything worse than a creepy, crawly spider? Those gross, little legs and roaming bodies. Whenever I get a good glimpse at one, it makes me want to twitch. And apparently, I’m not alone. Arachnophobia, the fear of spiders, is the second most common phobia after the fear of heights. Theories surmise the aversion is evolutionary, but whatever the case may be, spiders are not well-li

Fishing Boat Saves Arctic Fox Stranded On Iceberg

It’s not uncommon for fishing boats to see icebergs off the coast of Labrador, Canada. And it’s also not uncommon to see those icebergs carrying some passengers. Normally you’d see some seals lounging on icebergs. So Mallory Harrigan didn’t really think anything of it when she saw something floating on a mushroom-shaped iceberg about 4 miles from shore when she was aboard a crab-fish

Man Hears Strange Noises On Porch—Looks Outside, And Finds Family Of Lynx Staring Back At Him

As a photographer based in Alaska, Tim Newton has gotten the chance to photograph some incredibly rare animals. Usually, Tim has to go looking for the animals. But in September 2017, the animals came to him! When Tim woke up one morning, he heard strange noises on his back porch. Tim went to investigate, and he was shocked to see three lynx kits playing on his porch. He quickly went to grab