
Woman Leaves Back Door Open During Storm, Finds 3 Deer Huddled In Living Room

The odds of seeing a deer are pretty high if you live close to a forest. Just in my own neighborhood the other day, I saw one roaming around in a neighbor’s backyard. A lot of people find deer to be a nuisance, claiming that the animals ruin their backyards by stomping on their plants and eating their grass and flowers. Having said that, I think this story might melt even the coldest of he

Australian Firefighters Pose With Animals For 2019 Charity Calendar, And The Photos Are So Hot It May Start Fires

The profession of a firefighter is already virtuous by nature, yet the guys from Australian Firefighters Calendar are determined to go that extra mile for a good cause. Ever since 1993, they have been hosting their fund-raising calendar project for charities like Children's Hospital Foundation. After 17 rigorous days of photography, the final images are put together to create the iconic Austral

Cat Figures Out Owner Does Not Enjoy Her Live Gifts, Starts Bringing Giant Leaves Every Morning

It’s very common for cats to show their appreciation and affection by bringing gifts for their owners. These gifts are, more often than not, the results of a hunting session and involve rodents, birds and other small creatures in a state of extreme distress. Needless to say, these gifts are rarely welcomed by their ungrateful humans. This most likely causes confusion and hurt to our poor feli

Police Officer Risks His Life To Save Sick Little Bear Cub

Thomas Owens has seen countless black bears during his time working as a State Trooper in New Hampshire’s White Mountain National Forest. New Hampshire is home to about 5,000 bears, and many call this forest home. Owens knows that it’s best to not approach black bears, especially protective mama bears. But one day, Owens saw a little cub that was in big trouble, and he knew if he didn’t d

Golden Retriever Surprises Owner With A Baby Koala Whose Life She Just Saved

Australia is never boring. Recently, Kerry McKinnon from Strathdownie in Western Victoria received a surprised from her golden retriever Asha that’s probably impossible for any other dog owner in the world to get. You see, temperatures in the area sometimes plummet to 5C (41F) in the early hours. And not every animal has a fur coat as warm as Asha. “It was quite early in the morning, and

Snow Leopard Loses It After Being Scared By New Camera In Enclosure

A snow leopard wasn’t very good at hiding its surprise when it spotted a new camera in its enclosure. The adorable snow leopard Jessie, who resides at Paradise Wildlife Park in Hertfordshire, was startled when she turned around to see the new camera trap that had been installed. Jessie was hanging out in her enclosure at the park where she has lived since 2015. She seemed entirely conten

Incredible Moment Raccoon Lands Nine-Story Jump Off Building

My main perceptions of raccoons come from Pocahontas’s Meeko, and that episode of Friends when Joey blames all his failing on ‘this raccoon that came in’. I wouldn’t ordinarily describe them as ‘brave’…until now. One raccoon has changed everything when it did a Mission: Impossible-esque jump from nine stories high, followed by a superhero landing. You won’t believe your ey

Rare white giraffes caught on camera for first time in history

A pair of extremely rare, white giraffes in Kenya have been captured on camera for the first time in recorded history! They are truly an incredible sight to behold. In the video below, a mother and child can be seen wandering around the Ishaqbini Hirola Conservancy. The giraffes both suffer from Leucism, which is a genetic condition which prevents pigmentation from taking place. Rumors had

Day 33: Such a good mom! Mae Noi gently checks on her baby as he is sleeping.

This incredible footage was recently posted to Facebook by Leslie A. Temanson, a former Program Director at Volunteer in Thailand with Friends for Asia. He captured the moment when a mother elephant gracefully decided to check on her son as he was sleeping. Elephants are capable of forming extremely deep family ties and live in close knit groups of related females, known as a herd. The gro

The Internet Is Cracking Up Over This Bear’s Reaction To This Couple Getting Married At The Zoo (3 Pics)

This couple decided to get married at Minnesota Zoo and ended up with some truly spectacular wedding photos, including getting hilariously photobombed by a Russian grizzly bear. The images, taken by Chris and Kristy Photography, have since gone viral as people can’t get enough of the bear’s outrageous facial expressions, it looks thoroughly unimpressed with the situation unfolding in front