
Rangers find baby rhino making ‘heart-wrenching’ noises after seeing mom murdered by poachers

Year after year, outrage after outrage; it seems there will never be an end to poaching. There’s a bitter and sad truth to the fact that some species are being pushed to the very edge of extinction by trophy hunting. Take African rhinos for example, often killed for their horns and the money they can make on the black market. In one particularly tragic recent case, rescuers came across a m

Turtles Come Back To Indian Beach For The First Time In 20 Years After World’s Biggest Clean Up, Prove We Can Make A Difference

We are all very much aware of the suffering that we, as human beings, impose on the other species that inhabit our planet. Habitat destruction, over-exploitation, climate change and the introduction of invasive species have all contributed to what is rapidly becoming a sixth ‘mass extinction,’ and this time it’s all down to us. But what if we could successfully undo some of this damage, a

24-Year-Old Dominant Gorilla Meets A Tiny Creature In The Forest, And His Reaction Is Priceless

Ape Action Africa, a non-profit dedicated to the conservation of endangered gorillas, chimpanzees, and monkeys, was founded in 1996, but their ape inhabitants are still finding new ways to surprise these experienced caregivers. Recently, Bobo, a Western Lowland Gorilla that was rescued by the organization in the same 1996, made a new friend, and their relationship is probably the most unusual you

Husky Saves Deaf Hiker Who Fell 700 Feet Down Mountain

Twenty-one-year-old Amelia Milling loves hiking more than anything else. Milling is deaf, but she doesn’t let that stop her from going on incredible adventures around the world! In June 2018, Milling went to Alaska to complete the Crow Pass Trail in Chugach State Park. This was supposed to be a three-day hike, but unfortunately, four miles into the trek she slipped and fell down the side of

Elderly Elephant Starts Crying When Man Plays Piano For Her

Paul Barton is an English artist and pianist who love animals. In 1996, Barton decided he wanted to go on a new adventure, and so, he moved to Thailand. He only planned to spend three months in the country, but everything changed when he met his future wife, Khwan. Khwan is a wildlife artist and animal activist. Through her, Barton started getting more involved in the animal activism communi

Onlookers See A Circle Of Bubbles Appear In Water – Millions Are In Awe Of Following Moment

When on vacation in the beautiful Canadian rainforest, you’re probably already on the ready to experience some truly sublime sights and sensations. But the guests at Great Bear Lodge in British Columbia, Canada had a huge surprise waiting to greet them earlier this month. Picture this: you’re in your bathrobe, sleeping soundly or enjoying the quiet forest light sneaking into your room from

10+ Times Nature Made Us Say “NOPE” (WARNING: This List Might Be Too Scary For You)

While we as humans continue to try (and fail) to live in peace and harmony, it is worth remembering that the world around us is a brutal, unforgiving place. We have tamed our lives to such an extent that it is easy to turn a blind eye to the horrors of nature, sure, we as a species are far more damaging to our planet than all others put together, but let's not pretend that it's all sweetness an

Annual Whale Hunt On Faroe Islands Turns Sea Red With Blood

Horrific photos have emerged of a brutal slaughter of a pod of whales on a remote Arctic island. The animals are routinely rounded up and butchered in cold blood over the course of a year as part of ‘tradition’. One of the mass culls happens every summer, with thousands of pilot and beaked whales meeting their maker in bays across the Danish-owned Faroe Islands. Sickening images sho

After Saving A Humpback Whale From Nearly Drowning A Family Is Blown Away By Her ‘Thank You’

Planet Earth is a wonderful place. Not only is it beautiful but it is also where we can witness the co-existence of so many different forms of life. Every once in a while, we come across a few examples where men and women put themselves in danger just to help the animals we share this planet with. This is one of those stories. All Aboard Michael Fishbach, who is the co-founder of The Great

Giant dog notices something is wrong with its owner – performs adorable sea rescue

For this giant of a dog, a fun day on the beach turned into a rescue mission when his beloved friend looked like she needed help. One minute he was playing happily in the ocean with the little girl, then he heard screams. But the guardian pup leapt into action and channelled his inner-Baywatch. Thankfully, the girl’s mom had her phone nearby and could capture this adorable “rescue missio