
Siberian Farm Cats Have Absolutely Taken Over This Farmer’s Land, And They’re Absolutely Majestic. Amazing.

Just when you think you're the craziest cat lady around, someone else goes ahead and one-ups you to the fullest. Russian farmer Alla Lebedeva has turned her homestead into a self-proclaimed 'Catland,' and has gone viral with the incredible photographs and videos she takes of her many glorious Siberian cats. Stationed in Prigorodny, just outside Barnaul, Siberia, Lebedeva and her husband Sergey

Man Calmly Films As Fin Pops Up Out Of The Ocean, The Next Goes Instantly Viral

If you've ever been whale watching, then you know how painstakingly boring it can be. You can go out on the water for hours and still have nothing to show for it - but thankfully, that's not what happened when a photographer and his team boarded a whale watching boat off the coast of South Africa. Instead of sitting on the boat for what seems like forever without spotting a single whale, this phot

10+ Adorable Snow Leopard Photos To Celebrate The Fact That They’re No Longer ‘Endangered’

The beautiful and exotic snow leopard has been listed as 'endangered' since 1972, but a glimmer of hope is now peaking through for these embattled mountain cats. After a 3-year assessment of population decline rates, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has upgraded the status of the snow leopard to 'vulnerable.' "The species still faces a high risk of extinction in the wil

Cub Can’t Keep Up With Momma Bear And Siblings, So Officer Comes To Its Rescue Read more at

Whenever I’m driving and come across animals that are crossing the street, it’s so important for me to stand at a safe distance and let them cross the road without any harm or threat. I’ve seen cats, squirrels, raccoons, and even ducks crossing the road—you better believe that I see that they’re safe and sound before moving on. But unlike the cop in the video below, I have yet to see a f

Dolphin Creates Sand Circle & Waits. Seconds Later Camera Captures Stunning Ocean Phenomenon

Dolphins never seem to grow out of their happy-go-lucky attitude, which is probably why we love them so much - they remind us about the importance of play time! But, as cool and fun as these animals appear to be on the outside, there is another side to them that we don't really like to think about. It doesn't help that nature documentaries leave this part of their lives on the cutting room floor.

The Last Male Northern White Rhino In The World Has Died

The last ever male northern white rhino has died meaning his species will soon be extinct. Sudan, a northern white rhinoceros, has been put down after his carers said the future did not look bright following him becoming gravely ill. The 45-year-old was one of just three remaining northern white rhinos. He was the last male of his species. He was euthanised by vets after falling ill a

Zoos Are Posting Hilarious Amazon-Like Reviews Of Their Animals, And We Can’t Get Enough

We all know it's a good idea to check the product reviews before buying something, whether it is a washing machine or a bottle of hair conditioner. Most people are used to seeing a 1-5 star rating next to inanimate objects, however, Oregon Zoo decided to put a twist on the usual format. On Friday, they started celebrating the start of the weekend by posting humorous reviews of their animals as

A Whale Approaches His Boat And Peaks Out Of The Water. That’s When He Sees It…

James Moskito and other volunteers encountered this humpback whale just off the Farallon Islands (near the San Francisco coast). The whale stuck her eye out of the water and seemed to stare directly at James. That's when they realized that she was entangled in multiple crab nets and fishing lines, as well as a very heavy anchor. Without hesitation, James jumped into the freezing cold, shark-infest

The Marine life kayaker

At times, I get asked to provide a bit of information about who I am, and what I do, for some of the talks that I give. This short video, showcasing just a few of my interactions, is a 'tool' to be used if people want to show a group of people, as it focuses a little bit about what I talk about. It can also be shared to throughout various social media pages etc, if need be.

Diego The Tortoise Had So Much Sex He Saved His Entire Species

At more than 100 years old, Diego the tortoise will be able to look back on his life and smile (do tortoises smile?) knowing that his species probably wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for him. The centenarian had a pretty important job to do a few decades ago as he was one of three remaining males of his species, the Española tortoise, on the Galapagos Islands. Tortoise populations