
We Photographed Hundreds Of The Most Beautiful Chickens, And Just Look At Them!

I'm Matteo and I'm a professional photographer. I've always been fascinated by the beauty of birds. In 2013 I decided to go in search of a Concincina as a pet for my studio garden in Milan. That's when I met Giorgio, a farmer who invited me to an aviary exhibition. That very same day, the Concincina hen Jessicah (cue Unchained Melody) stole my heart. My friend and work partner Moreno join

Vegan Woman Forced Her Fennec Fox To Go Vegan, And Here’s What Happened

Fennec foxes eat rodents, insects, birds, rabbits, and eggs, but this one doesn’t. For years, vegan blogger Sonia Sae has been raising her pet fox Jumanji on a vegan diet, and it has developed all sorts of health problems. Recently, however, a few people worked hard to spread the word about this behavior they call abusive, and the internet is infuriated. According to experts, a fennec’s die

This Cat’s Reaction To Possum Stealing Her Food Gets Better And Better With Every Pic

I’m a pretty chilled out kinda guy, I don’t get angry so easily. But come between me and my food and you’re dead meat! So I can really sympathize with the plight of this poor kitty, who went out for dinner only to find an impostor out there, tucking in uninvited! Rather than the expected paws-of-fury, this pussy reacted with a rather impotent whine to its owner, as if to say ”why are yo

40-Ton Whale Was Just Filmed Jumping Completely Out Of The Water, And This Incredible Video Is Going Viral

Humpback whales are pretty big. Quite enormous in fact. The average weight of a fully grown adult is around 36,000kg, which is about the same weight as 24 adult hippos, but that didn’t stop the massive mammal in the video below from putting on an incredible air display when it leapt completely out of the water in South Africa recently. The footage was shot in the Indian Ocean off the coast of

I Bring Stones To Life By Painting The Living Spirit Of The Being I Feel Inside The Stone (New Pics)

To me, stones are not simple materials or canvases for painting pictures on. Among all those numerous stones on a river bank, one stone, looking like an animal, catches my eye. When I find a stone, I feel that stone has found me too. Stones have their own intentions, and I consider my encounters with them as cues they give me it’s OK to go ahead and paint what I see on them. So the stones I d

Rare Kitten Born With ‘Two Faces’ Grows Up Into The Most Beautiful Cat Ever

We usually stay away from two-faced people, but there’s nothing more adorable than a kitty with two-toned fur. Recently, professional animal photographer Jean-Michel Labat shot Narnia, an adorable British Shorthair cat in its home in France, and the pictures are making headlines all over the internet. Labat has purrfectly captured the unique looks of the feline which probably occurred early i

54 Dolphins Were Just Found Stranded On A Baja Beach

The news has been chock-full of stories reporting extremely strange animal occurrences over the last year, some of which have been actually quite frightening. Hundreds of young sea turtles had to be rescued because they went into comas due to uncharacteristically cold water, 10,000 endangered frogs were found dead in Bolivia, and iguanas were dropping from the sky in Florida. The vast majori

This Rare White Gyrfalcon Tries to Stare Down a Camera and Wins Everything

Most people will never get to look a gyrfalcon in the eye, but one of these majestic birds of prey has given you this opportunity by staring into a camera eye. According to CBC, the rare white gyrfalcon in the video has been visiting the camera tower in Manitoba, probably for the dizzying view. No wonder the falcon seems to be gawking at what he’s seeing! The Cornel Lab of Ornithology d

Photographer Spends Years Taking Photos Of Endangered Animals, They’re Heartbreakingly Beautiful

When you think of ‘endangered species,’ what do you think of? Maybe a tiger or a polar bear? But, what about a saiga or a white-bellied pangolin? Sadly, there are now 41,415 on the ‘red list,’ and approximately 16,306 of them are endangered and threatened with extinction. British photographer Tim Flach was on a mission to capture as many photos of these endangered species as possible. T

This Man Woke Up To A Strange Noise, Then He Saw This On His Porch (15 Pics)

arlier this month, we wrote about the most awesome “I woke up to this” moments that have ever happened, and this story that happened to Tim Newton from Alaska definitely belongs there. “Tim was awakened by noises on [his] deck last week – and looked outside. In astonishment, he grabbed his camera.. and can you believe it? Mama Lynx and her SEVEN kits!!” – he later wrote on his faceb