
Japanese And Siberian Flying Squirrels Are Probably The Cutest Animals On Earth

These adorable flying squirrels are found in Japan and in Europe, from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific coast, and fall under the category of Old World flying squirrels. They don’t hibernate, but in the winter, they sometimes sleep for several days at a time. Flying squirrels don’t actually fly: they glide using a furry membrane or patagium between their front and rear legs. Using this membran

Photographer Captures Incredibly Rare Sight Of Sperm Whales Sleeping

Do sperm whales sleep? It’s not a question that gets asked frequently, but when it does, none is the wiser to answer it. That’s until now, of course, because now we have photo proof of just how these ocean giants nap. Pro underwater photographer Franco Banfi was the one who snapped the extremely rare photo while following a pack of sperm whales in the Caribbean Sea, near Dominica Island.

Family saves squirrel – then 8 years later she returns to show them something important

The bond between humans and animals can be incredibly close. And I’m not just talking about pets like dogs and cats. Sometimes, even wild animals can become as close to us humans as our own families. After Brantley Harrison and her family rescued an injured squirrel in 2009, they released her back into the wild and didn’t expect to see her again. But eight years later, the squirrel, whom

Tiny Hedgehog Goes Camping, And His Pics Are The Best Thing You’ll See Today

We know you remember Azuki, the tiny Japanese hedgehog who goes on big adventures. His perky ears, button nose, and delightful roundness is just impossible to forget. Well, Azuki recently traded his cozy dream house in for a set of miniature Coleman camping gear and took a trip to the great outdoors. Equipped with his own tent, kayak, and barbecue, he was all set for success, and pretty much had t

Siberian Farm Cats Have Absolutely Taken Over This Farmer’s Land, And They’re Absolutely Majestic

Just when you think you're the craziest cat lady around, someone else goes ahead and one-ups you to the fullest. Russian farmer Alla Lebedeva has turned her homestead into a self-proclaimed 'Catland,' and has gone viral with the incredible photographs and videos she takes of her many glorious Siberian cats. Stationed in Prigorodny, just outside Barnaul, Siberia, Lebedeva and her husband Sergey

14 Funniest Wildlife Photos Of 2017 Have Been Announced, And They Will Make Your Day

We've already presented you with the nominees for the funniest wildlife picture of the year, and now the time has come to find out who the winner is. The awards are held in order to spread awareness about wildlife conservation since 2015 and with each year it's growing more and more popular. "It’s been a real success this year, the quality of images has improved substantially and we have had

Deer Walks Into Store To Check Their Goods, Later Brings A Surprise

It’s a busy time of year for many shops with Christmas just around the corner. This small gift shop in Fort Collins, Colorado got some rather unexpected customers however. Lori Jones was working her usual shift at the shop, part of the Horsetooth Inn and RV Park, when a young doe casually walked in as if on a mission to pick out some gifts for her family. “It was hilarious,” Lori told The

The Winners Of The 2017 National Geographic Nature Photographer Of The Year Contest Are Here, And They’re Spectacular

National Geographic has just announced the results of its prestigious 2017 Nature Photographer of the Year contest (2016 here), and the winning shots are the perfect celebration of Mother Earth. 11,000 photos were submitted, competing in four categories: wildlife, landscapes, aerials, and underwater. The grand-prize winner will receive $7,500 and their winning image will appear in an upcoming i

After 22 Years Of Separation These Former Circus Elephants Share The Most Emotional Reunion

Shirley and Jenny spent many years in the same circus. Jenny was only a calf while Shirley was in her twenties. They lived together for an entire winter, but then were separated. 22 years later, they both ended up at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee. Staff was unsure of what their reunion would be like. Would they remember each other? Would they still be as close as they used to be? Would th

Heart-Wrenching Video Shows Starving Polar Bear on Iceless Land

Lack of sea ice is making it more difficult for polar bears to find food. HEART-WRENCHING VIDEO SHOWS STARVING POLAR BEAR ON ICELESS LAND When photographer Paul Nicklen and filmmakers from conservation group Sea Legacy arrived in the Baffin Islands in late summer, they came across a heartbreaking sight: a starving polar bear on its deathbed. Nicklen is no stranger to bears. From the tim