
She Told The Chimp She Had Lost Her Baby. What The Chimp Did Next Was Heartbreaking

After reading this story you will understand how motherhood and loss are universal. Washoe, an exceptionally smart chimpanzee who knew sign language, was not happy with her caretaker Kat, who hadn’t visited for some time. However, when Kat told her that Washoe had recently lost her baby, Washoe indicated signs for grief. She even made signs for crying, even though chimpanzees are not able to cry

Our Horse Kept Disappearing, So We Set Up A Camera To Find Out Why… Now We Know!!

No one at the Misty Meadows Farm could figure out how all the horses were getting out of their stalls. It was a complete mystery and even the neighborhood teenagers were getting questioned as pranksters. That’s when the farm owners finally set up cameras to see what was actually going on. What they saw shocked them all… but not in the way you’d expect. It turns out that one black beauty

The incredible bond between human and horse

The bond and mutual trust between horses and humans is absolutely amazing! Here's a great example showing how special it can really be. Credit to 'Showisi'. Search 'Showisi' for more!

Rudolf and Friends in the Wild…

Have you ever wondered how Santa’s raindeer get along? Well, check this video… It’s obvious it’s them… I can at least recognize Rudolf!

Elk vs. Photographer | Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Update: I've been in contact with the photographer in the above video and we would both like to issue a statement regarding the news of the National Park Service's decision to put the elk down. My statement: I am deeply saddened by the fate of the elk. It has certainly pulled a black cloud over this whirlwind "viral video" experience. I spoke to the reporter who broke the story and she as

This Norwegian Guy Dived Into A Frozen Lake To Rescue A Drowning Duck

When you think of animals in danger of drowning, you likely don’t think of ducks, after all these adorable birds make their life on the water. Yet, one duck living in Norway nearly did drown, but thanks to one kind-hearted, and very brave man, the duck got another quack at life. 36-year-old Lars Jørun Langøien is a bearded hero in the animal community. The Norwegian ice bather is now bein

Leopard ‘Befriends’ Impala: Unusual Predator – Prey Interaction Caught On Camera

Most impalas run for their lives at the sight of a leopard – but this plucky youngster seems determined to BEFRIEND one. The bizarre interaction filmed in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, sees the baby animal nuzzling the killer cat’s nose and mouth as it lazes in a clearing. And even when the leopard starts playing a little rough, the newborn makes no attempt to leave – and even fo

Cute Whippet Dog Story: Man’s Best Friend

This took place when the owners were on vacation. They had NO idea! If you like this video and want to help support it, all you have to do is COMMENT, LIKE, and SHARE this video with your friends and family on Facebook and wherever else YOU hang out online. That helps a lot! :)

A Cute Video About an Unlikely Friendship Between a Fox and a Dog

This is so cute! This video is called, "Sniffer and Tinni." It's about an unlikely friendship between a fox and a dog photographed by Torgeir Berge, who openly speaks out against the Norwegian fox fur trade, and is going to use a good portion of the profits of his upcoming book of Sniffer and Tinni to go to an anti-fur campaign..