
Cyclist’s Camera Catches The Moment He Was Hit by a Deer

This video will leave you saying: Oh My God! A cyclist has shared footage of the startling moment he was hit by a deer – with both miraculously living to tell the tale. As you can see in the video, there’s no way he could have avoided the accident…. Have you ever been involved in an accident?

Dog Born Without Front Limbs Given 3D Printed Legs

Derby is a dog who was born with malformed front legs. Unsatisfied with the currently-available wheeled options to assist disabled dogs, Derby’s owner sought additional help. The result was a set of custom designed, 3D printed prosthetic legs that allow Derby to run and play, just like any normal dog. Check out the heart-warming story here:

Mourning Baby Elephant Rescued After Mother Is Killed By Poachers

AN ORPHANED baby elephant has been rescued after her mother was killed when a poacher’s poisoned spear struck her in the face.The 10-month-old animal, named Roi, was distressed and would have died without her mother's milk.The youngster was manoeuvred away from the herd in Kenya's Masai Mara National Park, tranquillised and put on a plane. Roi was taken to The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust El

When They Brought The Wolves To Yellowstone, They Had No Clue This Would Be The Result

When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in the United States after being absent nearly 70 years, the most remarkable “trophic cascade” occurred. What is a trophic cascade and how exactly do wolves change rivers? George Monbiot explains in this movie remix by Sustainable Man.

The Spider Who Couldn’t Hide

I know spiders is a tough subject, some people love them but most of us, yes, I’m one of those, are very afraid of them. That’s why I wanted to present to you this video today, because, at least, for once, a spider made me crack up…. This is so funny! Can somebody explain what this spider is doing? :)

Help Me Out Here, My Friend…

AuDi Yu was at the Taipei zoo with his daughter when they witnessed this… A giant tortoise had turned over and could not get back up… so, its friend came to the rescue! That tortoise is my hero!!! :-)

Security Camera Catches Elephant Cleaning Up Garbage

Because of their large size, elephants have a huge impact on their environments and are considered keystone species. Their habit of uprooting trees and undergrowth can transform savannah into grasslands; when they dig for water during drought, they create waterholes that can be used by other animals. They can enlarge waterholes when they bathe and wallow in them. At Mount Elgon, elephants excava

Cute Puppy Shower: Rescued Pup Enjoys Bath Time

This adorable puppy may be the most chilled canine on the planet as he blissfully settles into bath time. The two-week-old was close to death when he was found abandoned in a dumpster with his two sisters– but now it looks like his troubles are a million miles away. They were found by Dallas Animal Service and referred to the DFW Rescue Me animal shelter where volunteer Claire Fowler was taske

Who’s Throwing Snowballs to These Horses???

Remember this Budweiser commercial? I do and I love it! So cute… Young horses vs adult horses… Who’ll win?

Two-Faced Cat Dies Aged 15

Frank and Louie, the cat with two faces, has passed away. The two-faced cat was put down last Thursday after a diagnosis of severe cancer that would not have improved with treatment. This unusual cat wasn’t a case of conjoined twins; it is a condition known as diprosopus. Diprosopus is caused by an over-expression of the sonic hedgehog (Shh) gene that plays a role in organizing midline str