
Baby Horse and Dog Play an Adorable Game of Tag

The dog seems to have the upper hand in this one, but we'll just say it's because the horse hasn't learned the rules yet! What a cute video - thank You, God, for all of your precious animals.

Crocodile attacks golfer hunting for golf balls in South Africa’s Kruger National Park

A friendly competition to see who’s got the most balls turned deadly Wednesday night when Jacques Van der Sandt fell victim to an ornery 13-foot reptile that recently came out of hibernation. Van der Sandt and a friend had a few drinks and challenged each other to a golf ball hunt in Lake Panic out at hole number nine of the Skukuza Golf Course in Kruger National Park in South Africa. T

Leopard Attack: Antelope Narrowly Escapes Death

A BRAVE antelope makes an unlikely escape after being ambushed by a leopard as it battled a rival.The red lechwe was already exhausted having locked horns with another male when the killer cat struck - but managed to shake it off. The fast-paced footage was shot by safari guide Thomas Nkwazi, in the Okavango Delta area of Botswana, as he enjoyed a morning drive with four guests. Despite the viol

Leaping Lion Catches Antelope In Mid-Air Attack

A flying lion leaps from a ridge to catch a fleeing antelope in mid-air. The extraordinary take down happened after a pair of lionesses surprised two blesboks running in their direction. To escape, a frightened blesbok jumped several metres from the ridge - only to be intercepted mid-flight by the hungry lion. As one of the blesboks makes a lucky getaway the other is swiftly dispatched by the fe

Funny Talking Lion Cubs V Spitting Cobra – Pride (Kate Winslet, Martin Freeman & Rupert Graves))

Lion cubs (Kate Winslet, Rupert Graves & Martin Freeman) discuss what to do when you come face to face with a spitting cobra. Clip from Pride - Produced and Directed by John Downer Music composed by George Fenton

Cute Lion Cubs Hone Their Hunting Skills On A GoPro Camera

Photographer Chris Bray, 30, from Sydney, Australia, attached a GoPro camera to a remote control car and drove it straight up to the pack of lions. For ten minutes the lion cubs pawed at the lens and snarled at it - practicing their roars for the camera. Chris runs photo courses and private photography tours around the world via his website - Videographer / Director:

lion injured badly with zebra kick

lion injured badly with zebra kick Kruger Sightings All the latest videos coming from the Kruger National Park.

Crocodile Attacks a Male Lion – Latest Wildlife Sightings

Amazing video of a young male lion crossing the sabie river when a crocodile suddenly decides to attack! Taken on the H10 bridge near Lower Sabie in the Kruger National Park in South Africa.

Orphan Pony Sleeps With Teddy Bear

This is so cute..This one-week-old foal sleeps soundly in the lap of its new surrogate mum – a jumbo TEDDY BEAR. Breeze the bay pony was found abandoned on Dartmoor National Park just a few hours after his birth. Unable to find his mother, the tiny foundling was stumbling hopelessly around the hillside trying to suckle mares. By the time rescuers from a local equine sanctuary had arrived to he

Dog Tries To Revive His Dead Friend

This might be the saddest video I’ve seen in a long time… This poor puppy seems to be trying to wake up its friend that’s been hit by a car… The person that shot this video is a taxi driver from Mexico City who had to stop when the brown dog run in front of his car to go check on its friend. The taxi driver decided to stay and see what happened… He says that before leaving, he mo