
Meet The Owl With Eyes Like The Night Sky

We all know it can be impossible not to immediately fall in love with cute, fluffy animals with big eyes that melt away your soul. But Zeus takes this to another level. Zeus is a blind Western screech owl whose eyes truly look like twinkling galaxies. It's almost impossible to stop gazing into them. His starry eyes are the result of clots of protein and blood pigment, but he also has ca

Bravest Deer In The World! I bet This Hunter Will Never Hunt Again

This video is crazy. Look at this brave deer approaching the hunter and even licking the barrel of the rifle. I bet this hunter will never hunt again, what do you think?

Norman Carr Safaris – Elephant survives attack by 14 Lions

A young elephant somehow was separated from his herd when a 14 member pride of female lions descended on the helpless animal at Norman Carr Safaris Chinzombo Camp in Zambia. Clearly outnumbered, the elephant managed to bravely fend off the attack despite having three lioness on his back at one point! This event was captured on video by guests on a game drive from Chinzombo; Journalist Jesse

In 15 Seconds This owl Will make Smile! Guaranteed! :)

I have always been fond of owls, I don’t what it is but I believe they have a magical and mysterious energy. But after watching this one I’m convinced they are some of the CUTEST animals on Earth, don’t you agree?

Lone Crocodile Steals Impala Kill From Pack Of Wild Dogs

We upload a new incredible video every weekday. Subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don't miss out RAVENOUS wild dogs have their meal stolen – by a CROCODILE. The carnivorous canines were feasting on an impala carcass but were secretly being watched by a predator from the water. Suddenly, the crocodile burst from the Olifants River, South Africa, and snatched the carcass from the hounds.

Dressing Up a Rover as a Baby Penguin—For Science!

Frederique Olivier/John Downer Productions, Le Maho, et. al., Nature Methods Scientists who study wild animals want to get as close as possible to their subjects without stressing them out or disrupting their natural behaviors. One possible solution: remote-controlled rovers. In a new study, Yvon Le Maho of the University of Strasbourg in France and colleagues equipped 34 king penguins with

He Decided To Scare His Kitten With A Toy Spider. Her Reaction Is HILARIOUS

Last week was Halloween, and to celebrate, one man decided to pull a little prank on his adorable kitten. He brought home something that would scare the pants off of anyone — a huge remote control spider, furry legs and all! Ewwww!!! She’s confused, curious and petrified, all in one — but the battle is on. Kitten vs. Spider — who will win?! My favorite part though? The shot at the

WATCH: 17 Hungry Lions Surround One Porcupine. The Results? Unexpected

In Africa if you are not at the top of the food chain it can be a very scary place. Luckily if you are a porcupine you have to adapted with a very strong and pointy defense mechanism. At first it seemed like this porcupine was going to be a nice late night snack, however this little guy had other ideas. The hungry lions didn’t give up though, watch the following video to see how this ordeal

Wolf Spotted In Grand Canyon For The First Time In 70 Years

photo credit: Courtesy of the Center for Biological Diversity. A wolf has been spotted in the Grand Canyon National Park, more than a 1000km from the most likely breeding colony For the first time in 70 years the Grand Canyon has gray wolves. Or at least a wolf. The announcement may be a harbinger of the return of the species to territory from which they were eliminated decades ago, bringing

I Was SO Scared When This Horse Fell Down…Then I Saw The Dog. WOW.

This is one of the most beautiful friendships I’ve ever seen. I’m blown away! Lucy (a two-year-old Portuguese Water Dog mix) and Whiskey Brown (a four-year-old Quarter Horse stallion) might not be the most likely of friends, but that doesn’t matter much to them. You see, they spend their days on their East Texas farm running and rolling around and playing together, and they couldn’t be