This is why you don't throw gum outside. (With a three-year-old's commentary.) Hummingbird rescued!
Some parents feel an immediate, loving connection when meeting their child for the first time. Zawadi, a male lion at the Oregon Zoo, is not that kind of parent. Since their birth last fall, lion cubs Kamali, Zalika and Angalia have been cared for primarily by their mother and zoo staff. During the last week of February, the three girls were introduced to their father, Zawadi, who did not se
This is so cute! Ben, the Labrador, lives at a hotel in Tory Island in Ireland and every morning he goes out for a swim… Well, it’s not just a swim, he goes to meet his friend Duggie, a dolphin! Look at them!
This is cute… a puppet dog defends its bone against a few real dogs… Funny! We got tired of pranking plain-old humans, so we're going after canines! They have much better reactions than their owners anyway.
Watch this adorable moment when, much to Mom and Dad’s enjoyment, Dinky the Great Dane argues and throws a major temper tantrum — because she’s jealous that brother Ro-Ro is getting all the “lovies!” This video couldn’t be cuter if it tried. What an expressive pup, using big words like that. It’s okay Dinky, you’ll get your very own attention soon enough. Give your brother a c
Tourists hanging out of their car at a lion sighting. This lion felt threatened and barked at the tourists. If he had decided to attack, there wouldn't have been enough time to get in the car and close the window. SANPark's Rules: No part of the body may protrude from the car, either through the window or a sunroof, unless in designated areas. Taken on the S1 near Skukuza in the Kruger Na
There's no better way to take advantage of that fleeting end-of-summer heat than by jumping in the ocean for a swim. But, in the video above, a vivacious labrador named Walter takes his love of water to a whole other level, as he bounds down a hill, darts in between beachgoers and hurls himself into the waves. Plus, because he has a GoPro camera strapped to his back, we get to experience his
No one at the Misty Meadows Farm could figure out how all the horses were getting out of their stalls. It was a complete mystery and even the neighborhood teenagers were getting questioned as pranksters. That’s when the farm owners finally set up cameras to see what was actually going on. What they saw shocked them all… but not in the way you’d expect. It turns out that one black beauty n
Four lions were left with their tails between their legs when a mongoose bravely took on the predators. Despite being under two feet tall, the aggressive mongoose growled at the felines and even bit one on the nose. The shocking fight, which was photographed in 2011 but has just been released, began in the Masaai Mara National Park, Kenya, when photographer Jerome Guillaumot came across four y
I thought for sure this baby buffalo was going to be the lion’s lunch. But I underestimated his mother’s protective instinct! I like to think I’d do anything to protect my kids from danger… even charge a lion! I guess when the moment comes and your kid is about to be hurt, your instinct takes over and you don’t think about yourself at all. All I can say is THANK GOD FOR MOTHERS! If yo