
I Walked In On My Husband Doing THIS With Our Dog! He Had NO IDEA I Was Filming!

Everyone likes dancing, but when was the last time you saw a dancing Frenchie? In this funny video, a man has taught his dog a few hip hop dance moves, and after a little prompting, the dog is able to bust them out just as good as his owner! I love the Frenchie head tilt! There is just nothing cuter! My favorite part of this video is the end, where the guy realizes he’s being recorded! Tha

More Than 30,000 Elephants Are Killed Every Year. These Are The People Working To Save Them

More than 30,000 elephants are killed per year for their ivory. The number would probably be higher, if it weren't for the diligent work of conservation organizations in Africa that are dedicated to protecting and preserving the endangered and threatened species. Just last week, a newborn elephant who had followed a herd of cows became separated from his family and had to be airlifted from a re

Jonathan The Tortoise Photographed In 1902 And Today

Feeling old today? You could be Jonathan the Tortoise, a big and friendly guy estimated to be around 182-years old. Jonathan was alive to see many monumental moments including, WWI and WWII, plus so much more. Of course, chances are he wasn’t paying any attention, he has bigger turtle concerns on his mind. The above photo of Jonathan dates back to 1902, although his estimated birth date rea

Watch great white sharks hunt an underwater robot

'SharkCam' was deployed by researchers off the coast of Mexico last year, designed to offer a unique view of wild great white sharks. Luckily, it was also designed to withstand some serious shark bites. REMUS SharkCam: The hunter and the hunted from Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. on Vimeo. Last year, researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) released a robotic "SharkCam"

Is This a Bear, a Costumed Human or Something Else?

A video of what appears to be a black bear walking upright through a New Jersey neighborhood has residents wondering if it’s a talented bear, a human in a bear costume or something else. Take a look and see for yourself. The video was taken at 5:45am on August 4 by Ian Bohman of Oak Ridge, New Jersey. He used his cell phone to record the bear walking across the street, rummaging in a trash

Dog Passes Out From Overwhelming Joy When This Girl Comes Home After Two Years

You have never heard a scream like this, Casey the Schnauzer let out a true scream of joy when her long-lost sibling came home. Rebecca Svetina and her family dog Casey have been pals for about 9 years, although their relationship has often been long distance. When Rebecca was studying to be a communication major at Kent State University, Casey was only a puppy. In between college breaks, Rebecc

Lucky anglers catch THREE extremely rare opah fish in one day

Most fisherman would consider themselves lucky to catch one elusive opah fish in their lives, but one recreational fishing boat landed three in one day this on recreational fishing boat landed three in one day last week while searching for Yellowtail tuna off the coast of southern California. San Diego-based Excel Long Range Sportfishing, which takes groups out on multi-day fishing trips, poste

That’s some heavy petting! Tourists stuck in their hatchback as amorous elephant gets frisky on South African safari

This is the moment a bull elephant on musth - when its testosterone levels can reach 60 times greater than normal - decided to get closely acquainted with a parked hatchback. The two terrified occupants of this VW Polo found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time as a giant elephant stooped down to rub itself against the vehicle's roof and bonnet. The incredible images were taken by Arm

Baby elephant rescued from muddy pond

The Kenya Wildlife Service and Amboseli Trust for Elephants rescued a five day old elephant calf back in November 2012 and the video is just too cute not to share. The five day old elephant was stuck in a big muddy pond where there used to be a swamp. The mother and family were close by and the team was able to re-unite them back together. The Amboseli Trust for Elephants works to aid and unders

Guilty dog offers baby best apology ever for stealing her toy

If you have an infant and a dog living under the same roof, they’re going to be sharing toys. Naturally, that’s not always ideal—and not just because they’ll be swapping slobber. No, the bigger problem is jealousy. Below, we see a beagle named Charlie step in to seize a toy that had been forestalling a baby girl’s next crying fit. Once he realizes the impact of his selfishness, howeve