
Breathtaking Photos Of A Little Girl ‘Tippi’ Growing Up Alongside Wild Animals

Tippi spent the first 10 years of her life living alongside some of the world’s most amazing (and dangerous) wild animals. In proof, there are images galore. Such as the one of her hanging from the trunk of an elephant, a look of pure relaxation and happiness spread across her face. Most youngsters might be a bit more fearful of getting close to an elephant with tusks equal in size to th

‘Guild Wars II’ spurs panic in China with ‘monster’ sighting

A few days ago, a Chinese man took an afternoon hike through a forest in the country’s Huairou District. He was strolling with a group of friends when he spotted something unusual. Actually, “unusual” might not be the right word; it was downright scary: It was a frightening creature with humanoid features, long droopy ears, and a skirt made out of tree branches. He had spotted what he th

Game of Thrones Just Keeps on Smashing…

As we’re all aware, this year Game of Thrones was smashing more than gilted viper’s heads. The show not only topped its own cross-platform season average but also overtook The Sopranos as HBO’s most watched show. Records were being gouged out all over the place but now George R.R. Martin’s popular creation can sit on another, slightly more dubious throne. Entertainment Weekly are repo

Kenya’s biggest elephant killed by poachers

Satao lived in Tsavo East National Park in southeast Kenya and was celebrated as one of the last surviving great tuskers, bearers of genes that produce bull elephants with huge tusks reaching down to the ground. This news follows hard on the heels of the slaughter of another legendary tusker, Mountain Bull, deep inside the forests of Mt. Kenya. Of all the elephants that have died in Kenya, th

The World’s Smallest Cat

He is the smallest cat of world! • His name is Mr. Peebles • He is 2 years old. • He got its 6.1-inch (15.5 cm) high and 19.2-inch (49 cm) long size from a genetic defect that stops growth. • He looks like a kitten • He has certification of world’s smallest cat from The Guinness Book of World Records!

10 animals that might become extinct in the next 10 years

Chances are you won't see these rare animals at the local zoo because their population is down to the last hundreds. In some cases, it's much worse than that with only a couple left. Some of these animals you've never heard of but others on the verge of extinction are related to animals you know and love—like certain types of tigers, frogs, leopards, turtles, dolphins, etc. In 10 years, they m

What They Found Crying From A Drain Pipe Shocked Them. But Just Keep Watching, Trust Me!

On February 9, the Michigan Humane Society received a call about a one-month-old puppy in need. This is their rescue story. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.

The cruellest festival in the world? China advances its summer solstice DOG-EATING celebrations to avoid protests by animal rights activists

Residents have begun killing and eating dogs early in celebration of the summer solstice in a bid to avoid protests by animal rights campaigners. Some residents of the southern Chinese city of Yulin started gathering last weekend and eating dog meat and lychees to celebrate the longest day of the year, ahead of Saturday's actual solstice, state media reported. The locals wanted to avoid protests

Illustrator’s winged assistant is a hoot

Spending hours in front of the computer can get lonely, but not for one Japanese illustrator who keeps an owl quite literally at hand. His northern white-faced owl sits on his hand as he works on his tablet, and the bird has no trouble readjusting when his handy perch suddenly moves quickly across the computer screen.