
NASA – Saw Something Come Out Of A Black Hole For The First Time Ever…

You don’t have to know a whole lot about science to know that black holes normally suck things in, not spew things out. But NASA detected something mighty bizarre at the supermassive black hole Markarian 335. Two of NASA’s space telescopes, including the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), amazingly observed a black hole’s corona “launched” away from the supermassive black ho

Scientists Find Breathable Oxygen In Another Galaxy For First Time In History

The space is full of mysteries. Now and then, we get a piece of news about outer space that blows our minds away. Astronomers have been working tirelessly to uncover the galaxy’s secrets and have seen a fair amount of success. However, they are also aware of the fact that they can discover plenty of other things too. One of their most recent discoveries has been the presence of molecula

Scientists Announce That Probably The Largest Ozone Layer Hole Has Closed Itself

The past couple of months have been hard for all of us, especially with bad news bombarding our feed every day, seemingly non-stop. That’s why good news is exactly what we need right now and scientists have just reported something very exciting. Turns out, a large hole in the Arctic ozone layer that was first observed back in March is now closed. As seen in the pictures provided by NASA Ozone

Becoming a Parent Makes You 25% Less Environmentally Friendly, New Research Finds

It's not unusual for parents to worry about the next generation and the future planet they'll inherit, but new research suggests having children doesn't necessarily make you any 'greener' as a person - quite the opposite, in fact. A new study in Sweden has found that even those who really care about the environment often end up having their deck of priorities re-shuffled by the realities of par

Solar Winds Hitting Earth Are Hotter Than They Should Be, And We May Finally Know Why

Our planet is constantly bathed in the winds coming off the blistering sphere at the centre of our Solar System. But even though the Sun itself is so ridiculously hot, once the solar winds reach Earth, they are hotter than they should be - and we might finally know why. We know that particles making up the plasma of the Sun's heliosphere cool as they spread out. The problem is that they seem to

An Extreme Weather Pattern May Have Triggered The Dramatic Kīlauea Eruption in Hawaii

Kīlauea was taking its time. In 1983, the volcano on the island of Hawaii began to erupt, and it didn't stop for 35 years, culminating in the longest-running eruption of its kind in centuries. In 2018, when this decades-long outpouring finally quit, Kīlauea ended things with a bang. A series of new eruptive fissures tore open in the volcano's East Rift Zone, producing gushing fountains of s

Now More Than Ever You Need to Cover Phone And Laptop Cameras, Says Security Expert

Whether you use Zoom, Skype or Microsoft Teams, the webcam on your home PC or laptop device has probably never been as active as it is during this pandemic. Most of us have a camera built into our phone, tablet, laptop, or a desktop webcam we use for work, study or virtual socialising. Unfortunately, this privilege can leave us vulnerable to an online attack known as camfecting. This is when

We Could Release Herds of Animals in The Arctic to Fight Climate Change, Says Study

Herds of horses, bison and reindeer could play a significant part in saving the world from an acceleration in global heating. That is the conclusion of a recent study showing how grazing herbivores can slow down the pace of thawing permafrost in the Arctic. The study - a computerized simulation based on real-life, on-the ground data - finds that with enough animals, 80 percent of all permafrost

This Genius New Type of Solar Energy Cell Can Be Used in Windows

Engineers have developed a semi-transparent solar cell that offers a viable level of efficiency, and it might get us closer to a future where windows that double up as solar panels could transform both architecture and energy production. Two square metres (around 22 square feet) of the next-gen perovskite solar cells (PSCs) would be enough to generate about as much electricity as a standard sol

Here’s How Renewable Energy Could Help Us Economically Recover From The Pandemic

Renewable energy could power an economic recovery from COVID-19 by spurring global GDP gains of almost US$100 trillion (£80 trillion) between now and 2050, according to a report. The International Renewable Energy Agency found that accelerating investment in renewable energy could generate huge economic benefits while helping to tackle the global climate emergency. The agency's director gen