
NASA Is Preparing This Girl To Become The First Human On Mars And She’s Only 17

People have been fascinated with “the final frontier” since the dawn of the day when space travel became possible, if not before. With movies like Star Trek and Star Wars being at the peak of popularity and the global reaction to Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket launch, the interest in colonization outside of our planet has never been higher. But while some of us only dream of space travel, one gir

Archaeologists Found A Massive Black Coffin In Egypt, And The Internet Is Freaking Out

Referred to around the world as the ‘cradle of civilization’, Egypt has been a literal crypt of historical secrets. The newest discovery from beneath the cradle came in the form of a massive sarcophagus, constructed from black granite. Local authorities, in the Sidi Gaber district of Alexandria, came across the tomb during a routine archeological dig for a new building construction site. Measu

Scientists Have Converted Carbon Dioxide Into Clean Air

A chemistry professor has found a way to trigger the process of photosynthesis in a synthetic material, turning greenhouse gases into clean air and producing energy all at the same time. The process has great potential for creating a technology that could significantly reduce greenhouse gases linked to climate change, while also creating a clean way to produce energy. The findings of his rese

Guys, Our Planet Is on Fire. Here Are The All-Time Heat Records Set Worldwide This Week

From the normally mild summer climes of Ireland, Scotland and Canada to the scorching Middle East, numerous locations in the Northern Hemisphere have witnessed their hottest weather ever recorded over the past week. Large areas of heat pressure or heat domes scattered around the hemisphere led to the sweltering temperatures. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reports the heat is to blam

A Monster Asteroid Bigger Than The UK Is Now So Close To Earth That It’s Visible To The Naked Eye

A gigantic asteroid with a surface area four times bigger than the UK has drawn close enough to our planet that it’s now visible without a telescope. The space rock 4 Vesta, which is the fourth largest known asteroid in the solar system, will light up the night sky until July 16. It recently came within 106 million miles of Earth – the closest it has reached us for 20 years. Vesta’s tot

The Internet Can’t Stop Trolling Flat-Earthers With 25+ Hilarious Memes

Millennials, the generation that thinks they know it all. Yes, we have unlocked all the secrets of the universe, including the REAL shape of the earth. According to a study by YouGovUS, millennials between the ages of 18 and 24 are more likely than any other age group to say they believe the earth is flat (4%). Despite overwhelming scientific proof, flat-earthers are out there spreading their n

Researchers in Costa Rica unearth a nearly ‘Perfect’ massive stone sphere

Excavations in Costa Rica have revealed a massive—nearly perfect—stone sphere, prompting experts to ask how such precision was achieved thousands of years ago. “We have studied the terrain in which there are more than 15 of these spheres, and some are placed beside areas that give access to residential buildings as if they were placed there to welcome you. They were used as a sign of hi

Scientists Say They Can Recreate Living Dinosaurs Within the Next 5 Years

Dinosaurs could potentially walk among us in real life soon as the paleontologist who inspired the original Jurassic Park movie has announced a research project to bring the extinct creatures back to life. Dr. Jack Horner says scientists are only 5 to 10 years away from genetically engineering dinosaurs into existence. According to a report by PEOPLE, Horner is working with scientists at Harv

NASA’s $1 Billion Jupiter Probe Just Sent Back Stunning New Photos Of Jupiter

Traveling above Jupiter at more than 130,000 miles per hour, NASA’s $1 billion Juno probe took its ninth set of stunning flyby images on October 24. But the sun slipped between the giant planet and Earth for more than a week, blocking the spacecraft from beaming home its precious bounty of data. Now that the conjunction is over, however, new raw image data from Juno’s ninth perijove — as

The Milky Way Galaxy Is Much Bigger Than We Thought

It’s no secret that the Milky Way is big, but new research shows that it may be much bigger than we ever imagined. The research, described May 7 in the journal “Astronomy & Astrophysics,” indicates that our spiral galaxy’s vast rotating disk of stars spans at least 170,000 light-years, and possibly up to 200,000 light-years. It’s hard to fathom just how far that is. If you could rid