
Most images of blackholes are illustrations, here’s what our telescopes REALLY capture

Impossibly dense, deep, and powerful, black holes reveal the limits of physics. Nothing can escape one, not even light. Even though black holes excite the imagination like few other concepts in science, the truth is that no astronomer has actually seen one. We’ve “heard” them, so to speak, as scientists have recorded the gravitational waves (literal ripples in spacetime) emanating from black

Australian Physicists Prove That Time Travel Is Possible

Scientists from the University of Queensland have used photons (single particles of light) to simulate quantum particles travelling through time. The research is cutting edge and the results could be dramatic! Their research, entitled “Experimental simulation of closed timelike curves”, is published in the latest issue of Nature Communications. The grandfather paradox states that if a tim

China Reaches the Moon Snapping Incredible, Never-Before-Seen High-Definition Images

While exploring the lunar surface, China’s Chang’e 3 lander discovered a new type of moon rock, and managed to snap THOUSANDS of high-resolution images of the moon. For the first time ever, you can take a peek at the lunar surface like never before thanks to the sophisticated cameras located onboard the Chang’e 3, one of China’s most advanced lunar landers. The Lunar Mission touched d

Man Snaps Photo Of Bizarre Square Shaped Waves, Quickly Realizes They’re Dangerous. unbelievable

There is no shortage of special effects on our digital screens these days, but believe it or not, there are equally peculiar phenomenons in nature that seem like work of technology rather than Mother Nature. Isle of Rhe in France is one such destination which is known for being romantic, as well as bizarre. A tiny island measuring just 19 miles long and three miles wide, Isle of Rhe is located

Every Black Hole Contains Another Universe – Equations Predict

Like part of a cosmic Russian doll, our universe may be perfectly nested inside a black hole that is itself part of a larger universe. In turn, all the black holes found so far in our universe—from the microscopic to the supermassive—may be ultimate doorways into alternate realities. According to a mind-bending new theory, a black hole is actually a tunnel between universes—a type of wo

Astronomers Discovered another Earth

NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope discovered an Earth-like planet circling a nearby star within the Goldilocks zone of our galaxy. Kepler-186f is around 500 light-years from Earth in the Cygnus constellation. The habitable zone, also identified as the Goldilocks zone, is the area around a star within which planetary-mass objects with enough atmospheric pressure can sustain liquid water at their surf

Space Warning: Solar Storm To Hit Earth In Two Days As Hole Opens Up In Sun

The massive hole, known as a coronal hole, is now unleashing solar winds in Earth’s direction and the experts expect the particles to hit our planet between April 19 and 20. The storm is classed is G1 or minor but this could still cause widespread technology issues across the globe. In a brief statement on the website SpaceWeather, forecasters said: “A hole has opened in the sun's atmosph

A Massive Asteroid Almost Hit Earth Yesterday And Nobody Noticed

Five years ago, the 10,000-ton, 56-foot Chelyabinsk meteor exploded over Russia with the force of 30 atomic bombs. Yesterday, an asteroid three to six times larger than that rock came out of nowhere and passed by the Earth at a distance of 119,500 miles, about half the distance to the moon—and scientists only had a few hours' warning before it closed in. The asteroid, dubbed 2018 GE3, passe

Finally! Black Hole Imaged For First Time By Event Horizon Telescope

For decades, astronomers believed that super-massive black holes exist at the very center of massive galaxies. So far, given their nature, all attempts to observe and study them has been confined to indirect methods. Now the history has been made on April 12th, 2017, changing all that, when an international team of astronomers captured the first-ever image of Sagittarius A*. Artist’s Illustra

20+ ‘Same’ Things That Most People Don’t Know Are Actually Different

Has someone ever told you that you used a wrong word? Well, you're not alone. Many people confuse terms without even knowing it. You might think that it's usually the English language learners who get the names of concepts or objects all mixed up, but it's not unusual for native speakers to get tangled up in misconceptions too. The truth is, some terms seem so synonymous that people don't even