
NASA – Saw Something Come Out Of A Black Hole For The First Time Ever…

You don’t have to know a whole lot about science to know that black holes normally suck things in, not spew things out. But NASA detected something mighty bizarre at the supermassive black hole Markarian 335. Two of NASA’s space telescopes, including the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR), amazingly observed a black hole’s corona “launched” away from the supermassive black ho

Stephen Hawking Explains What Existed Before The ‘Big, Big Bang’

When the Big Bang happened, about 13.8 billion years ago, all the matter in the cosmos exploded from a singularity to produce the universe that we know today. But what existed before then? What existed before the start of time and everything? Professor Stephen Hawking says he might know just what existed. In a very recent TV interview, the famous physicist says that 'nothing was around before

Russian Satellite’s 121-Megapixel Image Of Earth Is Most Detailed Yet

There are many breath-taking NASA-provided "Blue Marble" images of Earth, but recently we experienced a different perception thanks to pictures taken by the Elektro-L No.1 Russian weather satellite. This perspective is quite different from NASA's pictures, Elektro-L No.1 Russian weather satellite generated 121-megapixel images that seize spectacular view of Earth. It captured the spectacular vi

Surprise: NASA Has Confirmed That Earth Has A New Moon

Earth’s been hiding a little secret from its partner, the moon. Turns out the Earth has had a “mini-moon” on the side for over a century, and even though the relationship has been exposed, the partnership is likely to continue for centuries to come. This newly discovered moon is smaller than our moon and goes around the Earth astonishingly irregularly, but still, two is quite better than one

Pluto Has Been Officially Reclassified As A Planet!

Today is a historic day—one that will bring joy to the hundreds of millions of Pluto lovers around the globe. The International Astronomical Union (IAU), the body that is responsible for naming and classifying objects in the cosmos, has just announced that Pluto has been reclassified as a major planet. That’s right, the little dwarf will be rejoining the ranks of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

The Super Blue Blood Moon Is Making People Feel Extra Moody

There is some serious anticipation for tonight’s super blue blood moon and luna eclipse. A ‘super blue blood moon’ sounds pretty cool, and it is, and to break it down – the ‘super’ bit means the moon is closer to Earth than usual, ‘blue’ means it’s the second full moon of the month, and the ‘blood’ part is down to the moon’s reddish hue. But there’s one extra thin

Rare moon happens every 150 years – here’s when you can see it

There are many things in life we take for granted; things that will always be there. For instance, consider the moon. It’s there, in the sky, and whether we choose to notice it or not, we know that its presence doesn’t change. But, if we take the time to notice the moon, we will see that it goes through many changes, other than the normal phases. Year to year, there are special “moons

Hubble Just Confirmed The Largest Ocean World in Our Solar System And Its Not On Earth

“The Ganymede ocean is believed to contain more water than Europa’s,” says Olivier Witasse, a project scientist working on ESA’s future Jupiter Icy Moon Explorer (JUICE). “Six times more water in Ganymede’s ocean than in Earth’s ocean, and three times more than Europa.” In March of 2016, NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope revealed the best evidence yet for an underground saltwate

A massive stone sphere in Europe is the ultimate evidence of a lost ancient Civilization

Not only have researchers discovered a massive stone sphere in Europe, it is said that the oldest and largest Pyramids are also in Europe. Furthermore, linguistic and cultural scientists indicate that the oldest written language does not come from Mesopotamia but from the ancient Danube Valley Civilization (Europe) which was among the first civilizations to develop copper tools, advanced architect

NASA’s Breakthrough Discovery of the First Truly “Earth-Like” Planet

On July 23, 2015, NASA announced the discovery of the first truly Earth-like planet. This find comes thanks to the Kepler Space Telescope, which was launched in March of 2009 and has been planet hunting for the last 5 years. “It is the first terrestrial planet in the habitable zone around a star very similar to the Sun,” said Douglas Caldwell, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mounta