
Destructive Beauty: Icebergs Flip with the Power of an Atomic Bomb

While icebergs may appear to be gentle giants, when they flip over, they can unleash a deadly power. While this clearly displays their stunning underbelly, it also creates tsunamis, earthquakes, and may even swallow adjacent boats. But what causes these massive ice mountains to topple in the first place? To comprehend this process, we must first define icebergs. The picture was taken h

Water ice buried at Mars’ equator is over 2 miles thick

The Mars Express orbiter has detected enough water ice buried beneath the Red Planet's equator to cover the entire planet in a shallow ocean if melted. This map shows the estimated amount of ice within the mounds that form the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF) consists of a series of wind-sculpted deposits measuring hundreds of kilometers across and several kilometers high, indicating that

Earth Itself May Be an Intelligent Being, Suggests New Theory

An artist's depiction of a planet progressing through four stages of intelligence. (Image credit: University of Rochester illustration/Michael Osadciw) How about planets? Can they have minds? This idea, that planets are also conscious beings, seems to be at the heart of a new theory put forth by astrobiologists. The premise of this thought experiment is that bacteria and plants working together

It’s Official: Researchers Have Discovered A Second Earth

Researchers have confirmed the existence of a SECOND Earth located in the Proxima Centauri System. The planet is believed to have oceans just like Earth and may hay host alien life. In the past, thousands of exoplanets have been discovered in the universe, but none of them is like Proxima B. Proxima b, as has been baptized, has very ‘promising characteristics’: it is probably rocky, slig

NASA Scientists Present Theory About Why We Haven’t Met Other Intelligent Life. It’s Crushing.

NASA scientists have explained in a new paper why they believe it’s likely we haven’t ever encountered intelligent extraterrestrial life — and it’s heartbreaking. All intelligent life, they argue, has likely destroyed itself before reaching a sophisticated enough point in evolution to support such an encounter. And the same fate likely awaits humans unless we take action, t

The 14,000-year-old ice age village discovered is 10,000 years older than the pyramids

In their oral history, the Heiltsuk people describe how the area around Triquet Island, on the western coast of their territory in British Columbia, remained open land during the ice age. “People flocked there for survival because everywhere else was being covered by ice, and all the ocean was freezing and all of the food resources were dwindling,” says Heiltsuk Nation member William

Unveiling Earth’s Hidden Secrets: Surprising Revelations in Continental Drift

In a recent groundbreaking discovery, geologists have made an astonishing revelation regarding continental drift, shedding light on the geological history of North America. Massive fissures found in the United States provide compelling evidence of continental displacement, a phenomenon that has shaped our planet over millions of years. The discovery of these fissures came about when a team

A ‘Devil Comet’ twice the size of Everest will pass over Earth. Here’s how to see it

A comet known as the "Devil Comet," twice the size of Mount Everest, is currently approaching Earth. This comet, scientifically labeled as 12P/Pons-Brooks, is a periodic comet with an orbital period of approximately 71 years and is one of only about 20 comets known to have an active ice volcano. The comet will reach its peak brightness for skywatchers next year when it will be about 144 mil

Chameleon Discovered in Madagascar May Be World’s Smallest Reptile

The male of the newly described species measured just half an inch long from his nose to the base of his tail Researchers discovered what may be the smallest reptile on the planet in the rainforests of northern Madagascar, reports Jason Bittel for National Geographic. The new miniscule lizard is a species of chameleon named Brookesia nana, and is so small its entire body can fit on a fingerti

How white skin evolved in Europeans: Pale complexions only spread in the region 8,000 years ago, study claims

Humans around the world display myriad skin tones and eye colors that are fascinating and wonderful in their variety. Research continues on to see how people have acquired the features they have now and when to complete our puzzle of ancient human history. New anthropology research now suggests that light-colored skin and the tallness associated with European genetics are relatively recent tr