
A Trillion-Tonne Iceberg Just Broke Away From Antarctica, And Here’s Why It Should Worry Us All

Despite a recent trend of disbelief toward global warming, Mother Nature has just made herself clear. A giant, trillion-tonne iceberg has just broken away from Antarctic ice shelf, and it’s an alarm we should all be heeding. The iceberg, which has an area of roughly 4 times the size of London at 5800 km2, was part of an ice sheet known as Larsen C. Researchers at Swansea University had been w

BREAKING: An Extremely Rare Green Comet Is Visiting Earth And You Can See it Withy Naked Eye

A green comet that has just been discovered is going to fly past our Pale Blue Dot and could possibly be seen with the unaided eye. NASA and CalTech’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory predicted that the green comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), which is named, would initially approach the Sun before circling back towards Earth between January 12 and February 2. The comet will be visible in the early sky a

Mars is Alive! NASA Detects Unusual Activity From Inside The Planet

It turned out that Mars wasn't as silent as first believed. Instead, there is intense seismic activity on the red planet, which is rumbling and groaning. The planet is experiencing dynamic shocks deep below its surface, and right now, molten lava may be pouring just below the Martian crust. If it is true, it will alter our knowledge of Martian geodynamics that we have amassed over the

Α 17m “sea dragoп” fossil discovered iп Caпada goiпg back roυghly 246 millioп years

Αп 8-foot-loпg skυll discovered iп the Αυgυsta Moυпtaiпs of Canada is the largest fossil ever foυпd from its time. The research team believes that the remarkable discovery coυld provide iпsight iпto how moderп whales developed, aпd how to preserve their preseпce iп oυr oceaпs. The fossil — a пewly discovered species of ichthyosaυr, a type of large aqυatic reptile

Perfectly Preserved Young Woolly Rhino Revealed By Melting Permafrost

The incredible find was about three or four years old when it died at least 20,000 years ago. An absolute unit of a woolly rhino on display at the Weston Park Museum, Sheffield, UK. The new specimen discovered is a juvenile. Image credit: Chemical Engineer It is the best preserved juvenile woolly rhino ever found, with a lot of its internal organs – including its hazel-colored hair, intestin

113-Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Tracks Revealed By Texas Drought

Excited dinosaur watchers are rushing to Dinosaur Valley in Texas, which was like a prehistoric highway in the early Cretaceous Period. One of the previously discovered theropod dinosaur footprints discovered at Dinosaur Valley State Park in Glen Rose, Texas. Image credit: Dinosaur Valley State Park This summer, devastating droughts have revealed many ancient wonders, such as

This May Look Like a Giant Grape, but in Fact, It’s the Largest Single Living Cell in the World

When you think about single-celled organisms, what probably comes to mind are tiny bacteria, or amoebas, which you can’t even see without a microscope. Believe it or not, this strange green ball also falls into the same category. A giant grape? No, it’s the largest single-celled organism. Image source: u/kuroi_sny A single-celled organism, or also called a unicellular organi

This Is The Largest Known Insect of All Time, With a Wingspan of 2.5 ft (75 cm)

An enormous representative of the extinct dragonfly-like order of griffinflies is the largest known insect species to have ever lived on Earth. Life-size model of the Permian griffinfly Meganeura. Image credit: Gene McCarthy The largest living insect species we know today are the atlas moth (which sport the largest wings by surface area at 160 cm2 or 25 in2), the white witch mot

These Two Growing Massive Sinkholes in Texas Are Yearning to Unite, With Catastrophic Results

Two breathtaking giant sinkholes in Texas have long been objects of fear and fascination. Aerial view of Wink Sink 1. Image credit: Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin Decades of drilling for oil and gas in Winkler County in the West Texas desert, especially during the peak years between 1926 and 1964, have resulted in an extremely unstable local la

Meteorite That Recently Fell in Somalia Turns Out to Contain Two Minerals Never Before Seen on Earth

Two substances previously not found on Earth have been identified and named. A slice of the El Ali meteorite that fell in Somalia in 2020. Image credit: University of Alberta A giant meteorite that fell in Somalia in 2020 contains at least two minerals that have never before been seen on our planet. The minerals have been identified by researchers at the University of Alberta, ac