Don’t Miss Rare Alignments Of 5 Planets For First Time in 100 Years

This month, the planets will align for an event that hasn’t occurred in a century.

According to Sky and Telescope, five planets visible to the naked eye will line up in orbital sequence around the sun for a planet parade.

From left to right, you can observe Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn in the southeastern sky before sunrise. Mercury will be near the horizon when the spectacle begins on June 3, but it will grow easier to notice as the month progresses.

On June 3 and 4, the five-planet party will encompass 91 degrees of the sky, but visibility will improve later in the month. To enhance your chances of seeing Mercury, you will need to choose a location with a good view low toward the east. You will have around 30 minutes to catch it.

The date June 24 must be noted on your calendars. You may get a glimpse of the unusual sky occurrence on that morning when all five planets and the moon will be visible simultaneously. You’ll have up to an additional hour to see it.

Simply stroll outdoors at 4:20 AM, around forty minutes before dawn, and observe the southern and eastern skies. Outward from the sun, you will see Mercury, Venus, the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn aligned correctly in order.

Astronomer Gary Seronik said, “It has been around 100 years since a comparably tight procession of planets graced our sky, and you’ll have to wait until 2041 to see such an arrangement again.”

Reference(s): Sky and TelescopeFarmer’s Almanac