Fish with a frog in his throat: Shocked angler finds LIVE creature nestling inside the mouth of huge perch

He’d already scooped a prize catch and then he got a real surprise.
Opening the mouth of a glistening jungle perch to pull out his lure, angler Angus James discovered a bright green tree frog inside the fish’s mouth.
And the Australian amphibian looked more than happy just where he was – with what looked like a smug smile on his face.
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Croaky throat: Angler Angus James found a green tree frog inside the mouth of a jungle perch while fishing at the weekend in Townsville, Queensland
‘I was shocked. I thought it might have been green grass at first, then it blinked,’ the professional field fisherman told News Limited.
Mr James caught the fish – together with the frog – in waters about an hour’s north of Townsville, far north Queensland.

But once the exotic amphibian had been disturbed he made his great escape – jumping straight over Mr James’ head.
Of course, that was not before Mr James had manged to take a swift picture of the incredible occurrence.
The fishing enthusiast said: ‘I always carry a camera so I took the pic and then he jumped out.’

What a catch: The professional fisherman got more than he bargained for when he caught this jungle perch
The green tree fog is a species native to Australia and New Guinea, with introduced populations in New Zealand and the United States.
Larger than most Australian frogs, it can reach 4 inches in length.
There’s no telling how long it had been nestled inside the jungle perch’s mouth but the average lifespan of the frog in captivity is about 16 years.
It is known to scream when it is in danger to scare off its foe, and squeaks when it is touched, but Mr Angus reported no such noises so presumably the frog was not too frightened by being discovered in its unlikely home.
After his special sighting at the weekend, Mr James sent the photo to Reptiles magazine, which posted it on Facebook, earning 40,000 likes and 2000 comments.
One impressed angler commented: ‘He [the frog] looks like he’s smiling. I guess I would be too if I were him.’