A cold weather needs a warm remedy! And one way to care for yourself in times of chilly weather is with the help of a pair of mittens. Learn how to make in just a few minutes some mittens from an unused sweater. The process is fairly easy and the images really speak for themselves. Grab these materials:
• a wool sweater;
• marker;
• a pair of scissors;
• straight pins;
• sewing needle and thread (matching the color of the sweater);
• buttons, additional embroidery floss;
Start by turning your sweater inside-out and outlining your hand with a marker on the lower part of the front of the sweater. Using a pair of scissors, cut-out 1″ above the shape. Place some pins along the entire length of the outline. This is important because the two sides (remember that you cut on the entire sweater, meaning back and front) will stick together.
Sew a simple stitch along the trace, making sure the bottom is left open and wide enough for your hand to fit in. By now, you can remove the pins. Continue the process with cutting the excess material around the stitch, remembering to do this far enough from the stitching so it won’t open.
Finish by turning the resulting mitten inside-out and decorating according to your taste. Buttons or colorful embroidery floss will do the trick. Do the same steps for the other half of the wonderful DIY mittens out of a sweater.
How to Make Sweater Mittens Out of an Old Sweater