I Visited Peru And Here Are 31 Beautiful Birds That I Found

I am back! I hope you all are enjoying my wildlife pictures from Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Brazil Atlantic forests.

Peru is a country well-known for Machu Picchu and, trust me, it is every bit as amazing as they say it is! The scale, the grandeur, and the architecture are marvelous experience to see. But since you all know me, you won’t be surprised when I tell you that that was my last day plan! My entire Peru tour was full of what I love to do―photographing birds.

Peru is where photographers and bird watchers aspire to go. It is, after all, a country with the most diverse bird species and scenic views that have worldwide photographers stunned. It is a must-visit on every bird photographer’s bucket list. Peru is a birder’s paradise with the most beautiful avian treasury in the world.

Peru is home to 20% of the world’s total bird species, along with the highest number of endemics in the world! And the count increases every day. It is abundant with so many beautiful destinations, and apart from the well-known heritage site Machu Picchu, I had to show you the birds the country boasts of!

All photos were taken with my trusted Canon 1D X Mark II and 600 mm.

Enjoy and let me know what you think! You can email me at info@supreetsahoo.com for any questions.

Cheers, and stay safe!

#1 Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird

#2 Swallow Tanager

#3 Golden-Tailed Sapphire

#4 Rufous-Crested Coquette

#5 Black-Faced Dacnis

#6 Sword-Billed Hummingbird

#7 Marvellous Spatuletail Hummingbird

#8 Collared Trogon

#9 Black-Tailed Trainbearer

#10 Inca Tern

#11 Rufous-Crested Coquette

#12 Crimson-Mantled Woodpecker

#13 Royal Sunangel Hummingbird

#14 Bronzy Inca

#15 Andean Motmot

#16 Gould’s Jewelfront

#17 Grass-Green Tanager

#18 Squirrel Cuckoo

#19 Ochre-Fronted Antpittas

#20 Red-Legged Cormorant

#21 Silver-Backed Tanager

#22 Marvelous Spatuletail

#23 Bearded Moutaineer

#24 Sword-Billed Hummingbird

#25 Wire-Crested Thorntail

#26 Rufous-Crested Coquette

#27 Inca Tern

#28 Giant Hummingbird

#29 Black-Throated Flowerpiercer

#30 Chestnut-Breasted Mountain Finch

#31 Black-Tailed Trainbearer