In the small Alaskan town of Kaktovik, a polar bear named Fat Albert has become a local celebrity. Weighing over 680kg, thanks to a regular diet of whale meat provided by locals, he’s the largest polar bear in Alaska. Photographer Edward Boudreau has documented Albert’s growth, capturing his journey from cub to giant.
Fat Albert (Credits: Instagram Edward Boudreau)
There is a famous resident in the small town of Kaktovik, Alaska. He is not an actor, a president, or even a person of fame. He’s the largest polar bear in Alaska named Fat Albert whose weight tips the scales to around 200 kgs more than the usual weight of a bear. He’s huge, yet he somehow remains cute.
This huge, cuddly bear is the largest in Alaska whieghing over 680 kgs, where the average weight of a polar bear remains around 450 kgs.
Fat Albert’s journey to fame began when he was first photographed by Edward Boudreau, a local photographer who has a keen eye for capturing the quirks of Alaskan wildlife.
Fat Albert has gained much weight, because of the regular food supply from the locals around Kaktovik. Locals in the town close to nature feed the bears in this area, to provide healthy meals for these wild animals. Boudreau says when fishermen catch whales, the meat is carved up and left about 4 kilometers from the town. According to, this practice is applied to distract bears away from residential areas, such reasons have provided Albert with a lavish and steady food supply.
This cuddly bear has a good nose and is an opportunistic feeder, he has also enjoyed this readily available supply of food. He frequently eats whale meat served by the locals, which has given him the advantage of increasing his body weight considerably to the extent of his huge size. His diet, therefore, sets him apart from other bears.
Edward Boudreau, talks about his experience with that bear as fantastic and spectacular to Boudreau’s photographs have helped to monitor Albert’s life span over the years, photographing Alber from a small animal to the now gigantic famous bear he has become. Photographs of Boudreau have become one of those proofs of different wildlife rules in Kaktovik. They have also helped in widely spreading Albert’s story.
Despite his size, which is quite intimidating, Fat Albert is loved and respected by the people of Kaktovik. The townspeople see him as an embodiment of the bond that they share with the environment and as a representation of how delicate the human relationship is with wildlife. Feeding the bears is like a greater commitment to striking a balance while living with nature.