It’s hard to know what to do if you see an injured an animal on the highway; stopping your vehicle could mean risking a collision and if you do stop what should you do with the animal?
For those driving on a highway in Pennsylvania on Memorial Day weekend they were met with a shocking sight.
A badly injured bald eagle was lying on the highway; people were stopping but weren’t sure how to help.
Motorcyclist Dandon Miller was one of the people who stopped and thankfully he used his instincts to save this majestic creature.
“I looked down to see why everyone was stopping and there was a bald eagle in the middle of the road,” Dandon told The Dodo. “Another person was there and they kind of nudged her a little bit to see if she would walk off the road or fly away. She spread her wings open and was not going to go anywhere.”
The first thing Dandon did was call 911 and he was told to contact the Tri-State Bird Research and Rescue, a bird rehabilitation center.
Took the shirt off his back
Staff at the center said they would send someone out to get the bird, but it would take 45 minutes.
Dandon knew that he had to get the bald eagle off the highway and out of the path of danger but had never handled a bald eagle before and wasn’t sure how she would react.
So Dandon took the shirt off his back and wrapped it around the frightened bird.
“I was just trying to keep her calm and make sure she knows she’s secure, and I wasn’t going to drop her or anything,” Dandon said. “It was just amazing to hold that bird and for her to be calm like that. Just amazing.”
Help arrived and the bird was taken to the rehab center, but not before Dandon was praised for his quick-thinking actions and sacrificing his shirt.
‘No broken bones’
“She had a mild injury to one eye and soft tissue injuries, but no broken bones,” rescuer Rebecca Stansell said. “Her wounds were treated by our wildlife veterinarian while the eagle was under anesthesia. The unexpected can always happen, but we are optimistic that she will make a full recovery.”
On May 29, 2019, the Tri-State Bird Research and Rescue shared an update about the bald eagle on their Facebook page whch said she was being closely monitored and was resting comfortably.
What a beautiful creature she is and well done Dandon for stopping to help her.
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