Pizza dough – Italian recipe

Hello everyone, and welcome to the kitchen at GialloZafferano. I’m Deborah and today, just for you…pizza! Getting it take-away is always a pleasure, but would you like to see the satisfaction of preparing it on your own at home? Let’s look at what we’ll need to make the dough for the base of the pizza.
• 6 tablespoons of olive oil.
• 2 teaspoons of sugar
• 1 tablespoon of salt
• 1.75 ounces (25 g) of active dry yeast
• 8 cups (1 kg) of flour
• 2.5 cups (600 ml) of room-temperature water
That’s everything. Let’s take a look at how to make it.
First of all, we have to activate the yeast. Put the sugar and the yeast into a small bowl. Now add about a half cup of water. Mix it gently and leave it to rest until the surface is foamy. In the meantime, put a couple tablespoons of water and add the salt, mixing until mostly dissolved.
Now, put the flour into a large bowl and create a hole in the center. Then, add the other ingredients. First, add the yeast, then the salt water, the oil, and little by little the water. While you pour, begin to knead the dough together.
After you’ve worked together the ingredients in the bowl, tip the bowl out onto a floured worktop and knead firmly it until the mixture becomes smooth and elastic.
We’re almost there! Our pizza base is almost finished. Put the dough into a floured bowl, cover it with a tea towel and leave it to rest for at least two hours in a warm, dark place away from drafts until the dough has doubled in size.
Would you like to know how our pizza dough’s doing? Here it is — ready to be rolled out and dressed how you like it best. If you’d like to know how we prepare pizza here at GialloZafferano, check our next video recipe. For now, happy pizza and see you next time!