SHOCKING Commercial Will Change How You And Your Children Eat. EVERYONE Should See This!

Everyday we’re bombarded with choices regarding what we can put into our bodies. There are fast food joints around every corner, vending machines in every office, and hours of Netflix waiting for us when we get home. This easy access to a lazy lifestyle is creating unhealthy habits for many of us, including our children.

While every parent wants nothing more than to give their kids the healthiest of diets, lets face it, unhealthy habits happen. In order to keep families on the right track, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Strong4Life released the following video to remind parents about the importance of getting your family to eat healthy, make positive choices, and to get up and move around. Their future self will thank you.

In the healthcare’s latest commercial called Rewind the Future, we follow a man whose life flashes right before his very eyes, all the unhealthy choices he made consciously or subconsciously throughout his life, all while he finds himself suffering from a heart attack at 32.

The commercial is terrifying and heartbreaking, but it’s also a very important reminder about the choices we can make to combat this very plugged in life many of us lead.

Please watch this video and then SHARE it with everyone you know.



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